Chapter 5 🌝

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Recess time ~~

Yugi Amane's POV

"Hey guys why don't we get together tomorrow night there'll be clear skies and a full moon. Ya know what that means STARGAZING!" I said ecstatically.

"Amane-kun that's super irresponsible I can't let you do that as a student council member I'll have to tell the teachers if you go through this plan" Akane said

"Awwww come on Akane-kun live a little we're young it's time to have fun and we're not doing anything crazy just stargazing on the rooftop I'm even gonna bring my telescope, It'll be super fun and chilling right Aoi-chan" I gave her a look

"Yes I agree and as long as we be careful nobody is going to get hurt, Please Akane-kun don't rat us out" She said with dewy pleading eyes.

Akane started to melt into a puddle almost instantly as Aoi asked. I hid my smile cause this is going all according to my plan and I've already filled Aoi in on the plan so she's on my side, I call this plan "Charming Nene and confessing my love for her" Aoi thinks the name is stupid but she plays along. So tomorrow night I will set up a casual picnic setting on the rooftop along with my telescope then Aoi will text Nene at the very last minuet saying she can't go and she will also fill in Akane later so the plan will work smoothly, If everything goes accordingly Nene & I will be alone and I can finally confess, I blush just from the thought.

"*Ahem* Okay fine anything for my Aoi-chan,  BUT how are you even gonna get into school after hours and avoid the security guard?"

"HEHEHE... Don't worry about that the other day I caught the security guard on camera doing something naughty so I have him wrapped around my little finger" I said with a mischievous smile  

"So Yashiro-chan what do you think?, Do you think you can sneak out for a few hours and come?"

Please say yes, please say yes, please say YESSSS I chant in my head.

"No I don't think I can" She said with a serious face.

The air around us changed my heart was about to give out and I shot Aoi a worried look, she looks just as distressed while Akane was totally lost.

"BAHAHAHA Just kidding! I can totally come guys and I don't even have to sneak out, my parents are on a business trip right now so I have the house all to myself I can just waltz outta the front door no problem" She said with clueless glee

Aoi & I let out a breath we didn't even know we were holding, I never want to feel like that EVER AGAIN

"Okay it's all set then we'll met up tomorrow at the rooftop around 8pm,Cool"

"Cool" They all agreed  

"Oh and don't forget to bring snacks"

School rooftop 8pm~~~

Author's POV

Nene was about to walk through the door to the rooftop but she felt a buzz in her pocket she got a text from Aoi saying that she couldn't make it and good luck? well that's weird what's the good luck for, I brushed it off but as I walked through the door I knew what she meant. I was stunned, the picnic set up was beautiful I saw 2 plates covered with tin foil, some cut fruits, sparkling water and a candle. It instantly hit me this is the date that Amane had planned that's why Aoi cancelled last minute, and if my hunch is correct Akane is not showing up either. I feel my stomach filled with butterflies and instinctively checked my clothes to see my fit, if only I knew this was happening I would have worn a cute dress instead of ripped jeans and a crop top good thing they're my favorite jeans, I take in a deep breath and collect myself before walking over to Amane.

I Want You To Be Mine Yugi Amane x Yashiro Nene | Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Where stories live. Discover now