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Aurora and Harry on their bed, in their shared room. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon decided that they shouldn't sleep in a cupboard anymore, because they were scared of what the Wizarding World could do. Especially Hagrid.

Aurora sat on her stomach, flipping through the pages of the scrapbook Hagrid had given them. She stops on a page of her, and Ron. It was after her first Quidditch match, and they were laughing because of a joke Aurora had made of Professor Snape.

Aurora smiled softly before speaking up. "I miss them, Harry."

After their first year of Hogwarts, Aurora had changed a lot. Instead of being a moody person who didn't let anyone talk to her, she turned into a cheerful person, that didn't take disrespect from anyone. 

"Me too. We'll see them soon."

"But we haven't gotten any letters from th-"

Aurora got cut off by a large squawk. The twins jump at the sudden noise, and look over to the window, where Hedwig, and Winnie, were in their separate cages. Winnie was asleep, while Hedwig pecked at the lock slung through her cage door. 

Harry looks over to his owl. "I can't Hedwig, I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school." 

Aurora gets up from the bed, and walks over to Hedwig's cage. "Hedwig, if Uncle Vernon-"

Hedwig lets out another loud squawk. 

"Aurora Potter!" They hear Uncle Vernon yell from downstairs. 

Aurora turned to her brother. "How'd he know it was me?" 

Harry shrugged.

Aurora turned and glared at Hedwig. "I'm so lucky you're not my owl." She jokingly says, before petting Hedwig.

After a few minutes, Aurora plops down on the bed and closes her eyes.

Oh how she wishes she could be back at Hogwarts now.


Sorry for the short chapter this is only the prologue, the next chapter might be out later idk.

Question: If you had an owl, what would you name it? I would name mine Winnie, that's why I named Aurora's Winnie.

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