chapter 4

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"You were seen by no less than, 7 muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is?" Snape said, with a cross look on his face.

Aurora opened her mouth to retort, but Ron stepped on her foot. He knew nothing good was going to come out. She winced looking at Ron, who gave her a shut-up look.

Snape continued to scold them. "You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you have inflicted on the Whomping Willow, that's been on these grounds since before you were born."

"Honestly Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us." Aurora said.

"Silence!" Snape stood up from his chair and began to walk towards them. "I am sure, that were you in Slytherin, and had your fate rested in me, the three of you would be on the train home. Tonight! As it is."

The twins gave each other nervous glances.

"They are not." Ron, Harry, and Aurora looked over to the doorway to see McGonagall, and Dumbledore standing there.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Harry said, grateful they came to their rescue.

"Headmaster," Snape pointed to the three students, "These children have flouted the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry. As such-"

Dumbledore stepped forward, cutting him off. "I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus. Having written quite a few of them myself. However, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate option."

Ron looked at the headmaster shamefully. "We'll go and get our stuff then."

"What are you talking about Mr. Weasley?" McGonagall asked.

"You're going to expel us, aren't you?"

"Not today, Mr. Weasley. But I must impress on the three of you, the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight and you will all receive detention."

Aurora let out a breath of air that she had been holding. The Dursley's wouldn't mind that the twins had gotten in trouble, in fact, they would be delighted. However, she was worried about Ron, because his family actually cared about him.

Aurora, Harry, and Ron, turn to look at Professor Snape, who cast a glare of pure venom at them.


The next day, the second year Slytherins, and Gryffindors, are in the Herbology greenhouses. Aurora was standing in the middle of Ron and Harry.

Professor Sprout enters the room. "Morning, everyone." 

Aurora pays no mind to her, as she was talking with Ron. Aurora was rambling about how excited she was to start the Quidditch season. 

"I can't wait to beat Slytherin's arses."

Ron laughed at her competitiveness. "Me too."

Aurora looked over to Draco, who had already been looking at her previously. He gave her a small smirk, and Aurora rolled her eyes and looked away. She hated how he was nice to her at one moment, but mean to her friends the next.

Professor Sprout taps a glass to get everyone's attention. They all go silent and stop their conversations. 

"Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning Professor Sprout." Everyone replied.

"Welcome to Greenhouse tree, second years. Now gather round everyone." She beckoned with her hands. "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root? Anyone?"

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