chapter 3

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The Weasley's and the Potter's were rushing to get to the train station on time.

"10:58, come on, come on!" Mr. Weasley yelled to the kids.

George, Fred, and Percy went through the wall first. Next was Ginny, Arthur, and Molly. The Potter twins and Ron were the last to go. 

"Ready?" Aurora asked. The boys nodded their heads, and they took off. They were running at a fast pace, but they flew back on impact. They hadn't gone through the wall, they crashed.

Aurora cried out in pain as Ron's cart pushed into her back. "Sorry, Rory." He said, helping her up. 

"It's fine." Aurora said, holding her back with a pained look on her face.

An officer came up next to them. "Oi, what do you think you're doing?"

Aurora opened her mouth to speak. "Well we just crashed so maybe you should be asking us if we're okay, you ugly pi-"

Harry cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "Sorry." He said rubbing his arm, which he had injured from the fall. "L-lost control of the trolley." 

The officer shook his head at them and left. 

"Aurora what did I tell you about saying things like that, especially to an officer." Harry scolded.

Aurora shrugged and turned towards Ron, not wanting to be yelled at. 

"Why couldn't we get through?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron put his hand on the wall. "I don't know, the gateway sealed itself for some reason."

They heard a clock chime, and they looked up to see the clock strike 11.

"The train leaves at exactly 11:00, we've missed it."

"Dammit." Aurora curses. What a great way to start off the year.

Ron looks worried. "If we can't get through, maybe Mum, and Dad, can't get back."

Aurora puts her hand on Ron's shoudler. "It's okay, they'll find some way." He smiled at her thankfully. 

She always finds a way to make people feel better. Ron thought to himself.

"Maybe we can wait by the car?" Harry suggested.

Ron stared at the wall for a moment, and a light bulb went off in his head. Aurora and Harry furrow their eyebrows in confusion.

"The car."


The next thing they know, Harry, Aurora, and Ron, are flying in the air once again with the Ford Anglia. The car wiggled as they were flying, higher and higher into the air. Aurora was sitting in the middle back seat, Ron was driving, and Harry was in the passengers seat. 

As soon as they were a 'safe' distance from the ground Ron spoke up. "Now, all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express."

"No, we need to find McDonald's." Aurora sarcastically retorted, rolling her eyes.

The two boys ignored her comment, and Harry looked out the window. "Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?"He asked.

"No problem." Ron squeaked, unsure of himself.

"Great." Aurora said, looking out the window.

They were riding pretty smooth for a few seconds, but the next thing they knew, they were heading straight towards the Big Ben. 

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