chapter 7

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The game between Gryffindor and Slytherin dawns. It was mid-game, and the crowd roared as they watched the Slytherin chasers soar through the air with their new brooms. 

In the stands, Hagrid was standing with Ron and Hermione. "Gallopin' Gorgon's! Slytherin's flying like they have dragon fire in their brooms," Hagrid exclaimed.

Ron fumes, looking as though he takes Slytherin's dominance personally. He takes Hagrid's glasses to look at the faculty box, where Lucius Malfoy stands next to Snape.

Meanwhile, Harry is circling above everyone looking for the snitch. Aurora is currently bumping shoulders with one of the Slytherin chasers, trying to get possession of the quaffle.

Suddenly, Malfoy streaks by overhead of Harry. "All right there, Scarhead?"

Harry turns and eyes Malfoy malevolently. Behind him, a bludger starts to streak towards his head.

Aurora, who ended up being pushed, saw that Harry was about to be hit. "Harry watch out!"

Harry wheels and at the last possible moment, slips the whistling bludger. It then starts to fly toward Aurora who was flying away to help the chasers. She turns around to see the bludger hurdling toward her and braces for impact.


Aurora opens her eyes to see the bludger being hit by George.

"Blimey, Harry and Aurora got themselves a rouge bludger!" Hagrid yells from the stands.

Ron looks up at Hagrid. "Rouge bludger?"

"Look fer yerself! It's bin' tampered with!"

Harry executes a series of zigs, zags, loops, and rolls, trying to shake the bludger. As if the it got tired of chasing around Harry, it turned around and striked Aurora in the back. She winced, but kept on going knowing that the bludger could strike again.

Ron instinctively draws his wand, and begins to point it at Aurora and the bludger, when Hermione's hand intercedes. She glances knowingly at his fractured wand. "You're joking right? Besides, even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Rory."

Again, the bludger takes a turn, now aiming for Harry. As he frantically dips and dives, Malfoy cruises by. "Training for the ballet Potter?" 

Harry glances at Malfoy's sneering face. Buzzing inches above Draco's left ear is the snitch. Harry charges toward him with his arm reached out. Malfoy gulps, swings clear, and watches Harry rocket past. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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