chapter 6

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"Ready guys?" 

"Yep." The Weasley twins said in unison.

It was time for them to play their prank, and they had it all planned out. 

Aurora was going to distract Professor Snape and question about her 'homework', and Fred and George were going to perform a charm that encased all of the books and supplies, in bubbles. Aurora had come up with the prank weeks in advance, so it would end up as a success. She was quite surprised when she found out that Fred and George actually knew how to perform the spell.

Aurora knocked on the door.

"Come in." A monotone voice said. 

Aurora opened the dungeons door and she walked inside to see Snape writing on a paper.

"What do you want, Ms. Potter." Snape drawled.

"Well, I was hoping that you would give me the answer to this question right here." She said pointing to a question so simple, that even she could answer it. 

"I cannot just simply give you the answer Ms. Potter."

When Snape's back was turned she fake sneezed into her arm. That was the signal for the twins to come in, and start the prank.

"Why not?" Aurora asked.

"You wouldn't be here Ms. Potter, if you were paying attention in class, instead of fooling around with Mr. Weasley."

Aurora's cheeks were tinted pink, and she got startled when she heard two snickers come from the back of the classroom. Snape looked behind her but Aurora stepped in front of him before he could see the ginger twins.

"Well I would be paying attention if your class wasn't so boring." Aurora retorted. Snape opened his mouth to say something, probably to give her detention or take points off of Gryffindor, but Aurora cut him off before he could say anything. "Well, I best be off then Proffesor. See ya!"

She ran out of the room, the twins following her.

"Ms. Potter, Mr. Weasley's, get back here!"

Aurora only caught a glimpse of Snape's face, which was filled with anger. She laughed with the twins before rushing to the common room to get her books before her next class.

"That was amazing, you should have seen his face!"

"You make a pretty good prankster Rory." Fred laughed

"Yeah probably better than us." George said.

They looked at each other before saying in unison, "Nah."

Aurora giggled before heading up to her dorm room to get ready for her next class.


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