Chapter 1: Previously on Always

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Rhiannon's POV:

Back at the arena Harry appears with Cedric's body. The crowd don't understand what has taken place and they all cheer, triumphant music starts to play. Harry weeps on Cedric's body. I put my hand on Harry's shoulder and bend down next to him, trying to stay strong. Not just for Harry, but myself.

"Harry! Rhiannon!" Dumbledore shouted as he was rushing to us. Dumbledore tries to prize Harry from Cedric's body. "Tell me what happened." Dumbledore looked from Harry to me and back again.

"Voldemort." I whisper.

"What?" Dumbledore asks.

"He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me and Rhiannon to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." Harry cried.

"It's alright Harry. It's alright, he's home, you all are." Dumbledore soothed.

" Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved Dumbledore, there are... too many people." Fudge demanded. I turned away from them both and saw Cedric's father, Amos, running towards.

"Let me through! That's my son! My boy!" Amos urged. Amos breaks down wailing. The crowd look on distraught. I start to walk towards the stands but I was stopped.

"No you don't you are coming with me." I looked up and found Moody in my face. Mad-Eye Moody enters and closes the door of his office behind him. Harry and I are in the room, Harry is still sobbing.

"Are you alright Potter?" Moody asks. Harry nods.

"Like you care!" I shouted, getting angry. "Your the one who put our names in the cup!"

"Well well aren't you the smart little thing." Moody retorts, he looks back at Harry, "Does it hurt?"

"Not so much now." Harry responds.

"I better have a look at it." Moody states, as he lifts up Harry's shirt sleeve. Harry's arm, it has a skull and snake marking.

"The cup was a portkey. Someone had bewitched it." Harry explained.

"What was it like? What was he like?" Moody asked, twitching.
"Who?" Harry asks.

"Who do you think he is referring to? He means Voldemort. He wants to know what it is like to stand in his presence." I answered, "And let me tell you he is not the greatest person in the world."

"You shut your mouth you little twit, you little Mudblood." Moody snapped. I shut up and looked at my feet.
"I dunno. It was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams. One of my nightmares." Harry explained as the attention was back on him. Mad-Eye starts shaking and struggling for air, he reaches for his bottle but it's empty. He rushes to a chest with other bottles and struggles to find one.
"Were there others? In the graveyard, were there others?" Mooidy asks.

"He never said anything about a graveyard." I mumbled.

"She's right. I never said anything about a graveyard Professor. " Harry added.

"Marvellous creatures dragons aren't they? Do you think that miserable oaf would have led you into the woods if I hadn't suggested it? Do you think Cedric Diggory would have told you to hold the egg under the water if I hadn't have told him first myself? Do you think Neville Longbottom the witless wonder could have provided you with gilliweed if I hadn't have given him the book that led you straight to it? Huh??" Moody rambled.

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