Chapter 21: Sirius Black's death, Maybe. Part Two

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Rhiannon's POV:

Harry, Ron, Lindsey and Hermione sit at the Gryffindor table while I sit with Pansy and Jasmine at the Slytherin table eating breakfast. An owl drops a couple letters and the copy of the Quibbler onto my plate.

"oh good it came!" I exclaimed, glancing over the newspaper. I get up from my table and walk over to the trio. "Look Harry, its our article." I handed him the newspaper and he grinned. Then, a dozen or more owls drop letters on Harry and I.

"What on earth?" Harry questioned, covering his head.

"Fan mail! Responses to the article!" Hermione explained, beaming as she examined one of them before handing it to me.

"What article is that, dear?" Umbridge asked out of no where.

"Dont act like you care." I whispered, hatefully.

"Rhiannon and I have just published an article telling the real story about what happened last June." Harry explained at the toad-looking woman. Umbridge instantly turns an ugly shade of purple in her rage, and I couldnt help but laugh. Which was a mistake, because out of nowhere the bitch slapped me. My hand flew to my cheek in shock.

"Professor, we do not slap students." Dumbledore said, standing from his seat.

"Where is this article?" Umbridge asked, ignoring Dumbledore. I sat there still in complete shock that I was slapped by a teacher. How dare she! I wanted to punch her in the face but I knew I couldn't, not without risking everything. Hermione hands her the Quibbler.

"Right, I will confiscate this. Anyone found in possession of this article will be expelled." Umbridge sneered.

"Well, then give it back to me." I stated, trying to take the article back.

"No you don't little missy. I will not let you off that easy." Umbridge smiled, fakely. She stalks off. Hermione giggles in triumph.

"What?" Harry asked.

"She's done it to herself. Banning the article, will only make people want to read it more." Hermione explained. I love this girl!

"Bloody brilliant. I knew we kept you around for something." I laughed giving her a high five.

Harry's POV:

Rhiannon and I stand before the D.A. again.

"We've been doing so well, I'd thought we'd work on some defensive blocking spells tonight." I stated. Wands wave and spells fly through the air. I pace through the students.

"That was really good." I encourage and with a crack Dobby appears.

"Dobby!" Rhiannon shrieks a little loud for comfort as she gives the house elf a hug.

"Mr. Harry Potter!" Dobby says frantically. I turn and look at him.

"What is it Dobby?" I ask. The house-elf has gone quiet, clamping his hands over his mouth.

"She-" Dobby stuttered, as he stopped terrified.

"Who, Dobby?" Rhiannon asks from beside him. Dobby shakes his head. "Is it Umbridge?" Dobby nods as I look up, terrified. Dobby forces his arms down and takes a breath.

"She knows, Harry Potter! She's coming." Dobby exclaimed. I open the door with a wave of my wand.

"Get out of here! Now!" I shout. There is a mad rush to the door. I usher them all out safely and exit. I pelt up a hallway as I am hit in the back with a spell and fall to the ground.

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