Chapter 1: USJ Attack

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"You've probably heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean!" A hulking figure lands in front of the midair Nomu, as he reels his arm back. "GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!!" With all his strength All Might delivers a punch that has the Nomu break through ceiling and fly further beyond into the sky.

As the dust is settling around them, Shigaraki couldn't help but feel...furious. So much so that he began scratching his neck, digging his nails fiercely into his skin, increasing his pace at an unhealthy rate until red scraggly marks began covering his neck.

" CHEATED! Sensei lied! You didn't grow weak, no, your still an annoying final boss level that fucking CHEATS!"

"What's wrong Villain? Where'd your bravado go!? Didn't you say you'd clear the game!" Though All Might did look rearing to go at a moment's notice, it was all just a bluff. Truth be told that Nomu was too strong, he barely has enough energy to even walk but he has to stand tall and mighty until reinforcements arrive. "Well what are you waiting for!?"

Off to the side stood three boys from class 1-A. After having witnessed the Symbol of Peace's power and victory, they wonder if they could ever match up to his level one day.

"That's All Might for you...looks like we're not even needed here. Let's leave."

"Yeah, Todoroki's right otherwise we might end up used as hostages. Let's go Bakugou."

*Hmph, I knew these damn low lives couldn't beat All Might*

"Fucking dammit! If the Nomu was here, he'd face him without any pressure! As a matter of fact...WHERE THE HELL IS THE OTHER NOMU!?" The scrawny villain looked around in immense fustration, re-scratching his scarred neck faster than before.

*Other Nomu? He brought another one of those things!? Shiiit!!!*

"Remain calm Shigaraki Tomura, Sensei only allowed him to accompany us to simply watch and observe, he is only to help should we really need it." The purple mist lectured the man-child like a father would to his son. "Besides, the previous Nomu has done enough damage to the Symbol of Peace. If we combine our strength, there might be a ample of chance in killing him."

Taking a quick look at All Might, Shigaraki noticed how bruised up he is. "Yeah, you're right. After all this trouble, how could we fail to defeat the final boss...?" With an unspoken agreement both
villains charged at All Might with the intent to end him.

The tension was high for our number #1 hero, if some miracle is to happen it better be now. He readied his fists, building up what little energy he had left in hopes it could be enough. Right when Shigaraki and Kurogiri closed in, a sudden wall of ice erupted in front of them, successfully blocking them from All Might.

"What the—!"

"You sons of bitches are dead now!!"

Everything slowed down, Bakugou readied his arm to send out a huge explosion to the villains —mainly the black mist guy's solid body— just as Kurogiri opened a portal for Shigaraki to put his hand through to grab Bakugou.

And a grand magnitude of an explosion was release.


"You're late." At Kurogiri's randomly voiced comment All Might stared intently at the cloud of dust as it began to settle. One, two, three...four!? Four figures in the cloud of smoke!

Bakugou glared furiously at the stranger in front of him. That was all he could do at the moment since his neck is in the enemy's vice grip.

*He redirected my the last second so my explosion would...*

His eyes took a quick glanced to his right, Half-n-Half's damn ice wall could be seen in broken pieces...a result of taking his quirk point-blank.

*would hit the ice rather than the damn villains.*

The man in front of him didn't seemed affected by his glare in the slightest. Though to his credit, Bakugou couldn't even see his face with that fucking mask on.

"You defected Nomu, finally taking action!?" Shigaraki received no response, no answer while he looked at the Nomu choking the blonde kid in front of him. "Hurry up and kill that damn kid, so we can go after All Might!"

*That's the "Nomu"? I honestly expected it to be much like the previous one, but I can't let his appearance deceive me. Just wait a little longer Young Bakugou!*

The Nomu just stood there, until a gunshot was heard. It pierced the air for a split second until it hit the ground behind it. Bakugou's eyes widen in shock at what he had just witnessed, or at least what he thought he saw did happened. He didn't get a chance to think more of it when suddenly being tossed aside, crashing into Kirishima and Todoroki.

Pivoting his foot the Nomu made a move to get to Shigaraki and Kurogiri before suddenly appearing in front of the two almost instantaneously. With swift and precise accuracy, the Nomu threw six objects in the air. Not a second later five noises were heard simultaneously.

"Shigaraki! It's time to retreat, the reinforcements have arrived!" That's when Kurogiri felt an immense pull from behind, he craned his head and saw No. Thirteen being the causes of it. "We'll get our chance next time, but it's best to retreat now.

The man-child glared murderously at the Pro Heroes at the top. "Grrr...! Fuck! Nomu! Let's go." He didn't even bother to look behind him as walked into one of Kurogiri's portals. "We'll get you next time Symbol of Peace All Might!" With that all three villains made their escaped, and left.

*Holy crap...we just barley made it* Thought All Might as he covered his mouth to keep the blood from being coughed out.


Hoped you guys liked it.

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