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The door had opened and in walked was Knox

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The door had opened and in walked was Knox. He leaned next to the door for a while, blazer in hand.

"How was dinner?" Charlie questioned.

"Huh?" Knox looked over at him.

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked again.

"Terrible, awful." Knox groaned and walked off the wall and sat next to Neil.

"Why? What happened?" Y/N looked up.

"Today, I met the most beautiful girl in my entire life." Knox groaned.

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?" Neil eyes widen.

"She's practically engaged. To Chet Danburry." Knox replies.

"That guy could eat a football." Charlie spoke, not helping the situation at all.

"You know, Knox, you did just meet her, maybe don't go head first, you know?" Y/N piped up.

He obviously didn't want to or doesn't want to hear Y/N's thoughts, as he continued rambling about the girl.

"It's just, she seems to really love him. The way she looks at him, it's like, it's like he makes the world spin or something." Knox placed his face into his hands.

Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes.

"That's too bad." Gerard sympathised.

"Too bad? It's worse than too bad, Pitsie, it's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk." Knox replied.

"All the good ones go for jerks, you know that." Pitts said.

Charlie looked at Y/N, "Where's your jerk?"

Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, "Is that another way to call me pretty?"

Charlie nodded, winking.

Y/N eyes widen, before shaking her head, looking down at her work. She was nearly finished her work when Knox had brought the conversation up once more.

"You really think I should forget her?" Knox questioned.

Y/N looked up, an annoyed face on her face, "Overstreet, you just met the girl. You said yourself, she goes for jerks, if that's what she's into, she's not worth it."

Charlie shaked his head, "Y/N, Oh, Y/N. You don't understand boy logic."

"And?" Y/N glared at him, "If Knox keeps going at her, she'll think he's some sort of creep."

And just like that, Mr. Hager walked in, "Alright, five minutes. Let's go."

Everyone started packing up, ready to leave.

"Did you see her naked?" Charlie asked Knox as he stood.

Y/N used her book and hit Charlie in the arm, "Dalton, you don't ask that stuff!"

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