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The rest of the day passed slowly but surely, homework had began to pile on Y/N's desk that it was full to the brim

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The rest of the day passed slowly but
surely, homework had began to pile on Y/N's desk that it was full to the brim.

She had finished her Latin homework, due that day, and now had more Chemistry due.

Y/N decided to head to the library, saying as the new boys in Hell-ton filled the halls, their screams and shouts echoed towards her room.

The small boys looked at her as if they had never seen a girl in their lives. She just gave them an awkward smile, before passing through them.

Robert Michaels, a boy a year higher than her, decided to sit next to her. Glancing at Y/N, as if she would catch his eyes, flirting or whatever.

But Y/N just sat down and did her homework, before standing up and leaving. Robert following her.

"Hey, Y/N!" He called up to her. She soon felt the need to roll her eyes.

"Hey, why'd you run off like that?" He chuckled.

"I didn't." Y/N looked at him, "I finished my homework, I'm going to bed."

"Do you need me to walk you there?" He said.

Y/N shook her head before turning around to walk again.

"But it's dangerous, with all these boys around you, must be scary for you."

"Michaels," Y/N turned around, "I don't need a bodyguard, I survived this school for several years, who says I can't survive it for one more."

"But, it's still dangerous!" Robert continued.

"Hey, Robbie!" Thank the lord, it was Neil and Todd.

"Oh, Neil." The older boy let out a disappointing sigh.

Todd looked at the two before looking at Y/N, smiling at her.

"Hi, Todd." Y/N waved.

"Hey, Y/N? Why don't you come down to me and Todd's dorm, you said you needed help with Chemistry, didn't you?" Neil spoke up.

Robert looked between the two, "I was gonna ask her the same thing. She said she'd come with me though."

Y/N looked at Neil, before sighing. "I forgot I said yes to Neil's offer, sorry Michaels."

Neil grabbed her arm, gently. Todd following behind them.

"Where were you? You literally have Knox, Charlie, Pittsie and Steven looking around for you." Neil said to her in a hushed voice.

"Well, I'm sorry I had a pile of homework sitting on my desk because I'm too busy going to Dead Poets meetings all the time." Y/N replied.

"You could always just say no and focus on your grades, we don't need you being expelled." Neil signed, opening her dorm door.

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