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SHAY'S EYES FLUTTERED FLEETINGLY, as she tried to keep herself up. All she wanted to do was finish the last episode of season six and go to bed. Simple, she thought as she cleared her throat and straightened her back. It was simple. Tonight, Shay Shantay was indulging herself in the lives of the supernatural beings of Mystic Falls in the CW supernatural drama "The Vampire Diaries". She had just discovered the true intentions of Kai Parker, a malevolent Gemini witch who had a high taste for revenge against his twin sister Jo and everyone in her life she held dear. With the power of everyone in their coven plus hers, he was able to kill her and place a sleeping spell on Elena.

And to make matters worse, the only way Elena could awaken again was if Bonnie was killed. As much as Damon loves Elena, he couldn't do that to Bonnie. That was something Kai couldn't prepare for. And so, as Shay fixed her eyes back on her laptop screen, she watched as Damon, Stefan, Enzo, Matt, Tyler, Caroline and Bonnie bid their farewells to the fair Elena Gilbert through the magical connections between their minds.

"Honestly, kind of glad she's gone. She was so annoying," Shay groaned as she leaned back in her chair. Uncomfortable once more, she slumped forward and her eyes began to flutter again. God, why am I so sleepy? It's literally four in the afternoon, she thought annoyed. She was never like this. Not when it came to the Vampire Diaries. She had a high tolerance of sleep for the show and now here she was, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Come on, Shay! You're almost there," She encouraged herself, sliding her finger across the mousepad to check how much time was remaining in this episode. Just five minutes. Five minutes, and you can close your eyes and wake up to Mom yelling at you for taking a nap, Shay thought as she straightened her back once more. With a nod, she unpaused the show and listened.

And just like before, her eyes felt heavy, her head feeling as heavy as a bowling ball. And this time she couldn't keep herself up. She was tired, exhausted from what? She didn't know but right now, she had to sleep. Before her head could connect with her desk, she was suddenly in a large bed, her body sprawled across it.

"What the-" Muttered the seventeen year old as she came to. She was in a large room, rustic like, with a queen sized bed and bookshelves adorning the walls. To the right of the room was two double doors leading to a balcony, overlooking a fairly large driveway that had a surrounding forest. Light seeped into the room from the windows and the doors to the balcony, when suddenly Shay heard voices from downstairs.

"Where am I?" She whispered softly as she slid out the bed. She walked over to the dresser across from the bed, staring into her reflection. As hard as she tried, she had no memory of what happened before she fell asleep. Honestly, she had no memory of anything but the fact that she was Shay Shantay, seventeen years old and in a stranger's bed with strangers downstairs.

"Oh God. I- I can't even remember if I have parents who want to kill me for being gone!" She whispered with vivacity, placing her hands on the dresser. OK, breathe. Just breathe Shay, everything is going to be fine. She didn't need a panic attack right now. But she did know one thing. She didn't belong here.

Shay was never one to run away from home. As much as she hated the rants done by her mother and the cries about doing the dishes by her father, Shay loved being home. It was her safe place after all. So she had no idea why she was in a random person's room, with no recollection of how she got there and who brought her there.

Taking a deep breath, she ventured out of the room, entering a corridor of what had to be a mansion. The hall was beautiful, with elegant carpeting and art pieces on the wall. The staircase wrapped around in two sets, leading to the main floor. She could hear the voices louder now.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 ━thevampirediariesWhere stories live. Discover now