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"IF SHE'S LINKED TO ELENA, I SAY WE RIP HER HEAD OFF!" Snarled Damon Salvatore. It was clear he had no intention of keeping Shay alive. As of right now, she meant nothing to him. To any of them. Her death would be meaningless and his sweet Elena would be back in his arms. Shay couldn't blame him. They had no reason to keep her alive. But she had to keep herself alive. She had to.

Shay's eyes widened at Damon's threat, shooting a fleeting look at Bonnie. The witch was already on it.

"I swear if you kill her without even knowing who she is, I swear I will never talk to you again." She threatened. From the tone of Bonnie's voice, Shay knew she meant every word she said. In fact, Damon knew too. He knew that Bonnie would never forgive him. He scoffed and rose from the couch, crossing the living room to join Caroline at the small table full of drinks.

"Pass me the bourbon, Blondie," He instructed. Without second thought, the blonde haired girl handed him the bourbon and he was downing it in seconds.

"I agree with Bonnie. We need to know who she is before we do any of the slicing of the heads," He reasoned. Something inside Shay fluttered as she heard the green eyed boy come to her rescue. Once again, she smiled at him and finally, he returned it. And somewhere, outside of Shay's line of sight, Caroline sneered at the sight, gripping the bottle of whiskey tightly. If she hadn't taken a deep breath, the bottle would have shattered.

Placing the bottle down, she walked over to Bonnie.

"I agree with Damon. I mean, Bonnie it's so easy. We don't know who she is. She's a means to an end. Hers. And with it, we get Elena back," Caroline pleaded, grabbing her best friends hand.

"Wow," Said Shay in shock. She expected Caroline to be the nice one and here she was, pleading Bonnie to let Damon slice her head off. Thanks, Carebear, thought Shay begrudgingly, giving Caroline a nickname only to be used in her head.

"We get our best friend back." Caroline added, her green eyes piercing Bonnie's hazel ones. Bonnie shook her head, removing her hands from Caroline's.

"Kai would never do all of this for her to be somebody random," Bonnie advised, taking a look at Shay. Shay began fidgeting with her hands as she looked at the hardwood floors. Right now, the status of her life was being debated. Whether she lived or died. And somehow, she had no say in the matter. But it was better than saying the wrong thing and ending up on Damon's list of merciless kills.

Stefan cleared his throat before speaking. "He brought her here for a reason."

Damon groaned and rolled his eyes.

"And what might that be, huh, brother?" He said, tone full of doubt and irritation. He took another swig from his bourbon, trying to suppress his animalistic side from tearing into Shay's flesh. Shay sighed and rubbed her temples.

Alaric stood up and walked over to her, his eyes warm. She had also forgotten he was there. From the look in his eyes, he was clearly going through something. Something traumatic. As if he had lost someone.

"What's your name?" He asked softly. Shay's eyes widened at the question. She had realized no one had even asked her for her name. Well Damon did but I don't like to answer questions when my life is at stake... Or should I?

"Shay. Shay Shantay." She finally said, her voice cutting through the silence. Stefan began walking to the door, grabbing his black leather jacket off the hooks.

"Bonnie, you and me on research duty?" He offered, glancing at the Bennett witch. She nodded.

"OK," She followed the vampire out as the rest of them remained in the living room.

"As fun as this is, I have matters to attend to. Call me when you figure out who she is. Come on, Matt," Spoke the Lockwood werewolf. Matt nodded and said goodbye to his friends before shooting Shay a small smile. Matt wasn't one to be impolite. How could he? From where he was standing, Shay looked harmless.

Shay, without any invitation and tired of standing, took a small seat at the couch Damon and Stefan were sitting at. Looking around, she crossed her palms, racking her brain with any information on how she got here. All she knew was this wasn't a universe she was supposed to be in. Something didn't feel right. If only she had some of her memories return...

Fixing her hair and smoothing down her dress, Caroline took strides over to Shay. Peering down at her, she furrowed her brows as Damon and Enzo watched the show unfold.

"I'm only going to say this once. Stay away from Stefan," Caroline warned, her face stone cold. Shay was confused. Why? It didn't seem like they were together, but who was she to know? She had only arrived twenty minutes ago.

Shay was no longer going to stay mute. If she wanted to stay alive, she had to show Caroline and everybody else that she had a voice. A snarky one too.

"Huh, I didn't think "Blondie" was gonna be the mean one," Shay said, trying to seem unfazed. Caroline smirked, for a second, before her face returned back to it's stone cold visage.

"Only Damon calls me "Blondie". Also, let's just stop the name "Blondie"?" She suggested. Damon shook his head and she huffed in response.

Damon chuckled as did Enzo.

"Blondie's jealous," He remarked as he took a seat across from the two women.

Caroline whipped her head around and scolded the man once more before turning back towards Shay. Eyes widened and pupils dilated, she began doing the thing vampires did best: Compelling.

"Stay. Away. From. Stefan," She said hypnotically, her eyes widening with each word. Shay's face twisted into a grimace, standing up swiftly.

"No!" She exclaimed and the three vampires and Alaric stared in shock.

Shay couldn't be compelled.

hii readers! pls remember most of the fillers are written by me (hayden) because if i was just rewriting everything from the videos on tiktok, these chapters would be like super short! so yeah! hope you're enjoying twisted mischief!!

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