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"AGAIN?" Groaned Caroline Forbes

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"AGAIN?" Groaned Caroline Forbes. Over the last week and a half, Shay, along with the usual group of supernatural creatures that roamed Mystic Falls had been trying to decipher many of the things they had heard about in the last week. To start off, there was the masked assailant who kidnapped Matt and sent a message to the Salvatore brothers.

Stefan was stumped. He had no idea who he could have possibly wronged in the past. Yes, he had lived a long time but it wasn't like he was like his previously vindictive older brother, Damon Salvatore. But then again, there was also time where Stefan went on a Ripper binge. It could be descendants of a victim or victims who are out for revenge. But despite that, he was smart enough to clear his tracks then. This wasn't about him.

Damon was bored. He was bored and tired of the many women who have grown to resent him for a time of his life he no longer visited. I mean, look at me now! No Elena and I'm fine! He thought, agitated. They all were huddled in the Salvatore living room. Stefan and Damon sat side by side on the couch, glass cups in hand as they ran over the last 160 and more years of bloodthirst, humanity switches being flipped and countless victims. As for the Bennett sisters, Shay and Bonnie, they were packing for their trip to Nova Scotia. It had been decided that them, along with Caroline, Damon and Stefan were going to Nova Scotia to find Qetsiyah's Grimoire. Although Shay was over the moon to find it, Bonnie was a little weary. The last two times she had been to Nova Scotia had not been good experiences. The first time was to discover the Cure, in which she was being controlled by Professor Shane and through him, Silas. It was there her ex-boyfriend Jeremy died and it was from there she had to eventually die to bring him back.

The second time Bonnie had visited Nova Scotia was in the 1994 Prison World, where she was trapped with sociopathic Kai Parker. She had retrieved the Cure there since it hadn't been taken because technically, it was about 20 years before she had gone there with her friends. Bonnie's time in the Prison World was one she would rather not remember. It was full of pain, sorrow, and utter cruelty. And she had suffered all of this at the hands of Kai. And he had the audacity seeking redemption from me? I will never, ever, forgive him, she thought as she shoved the last piece of clothing in her bag.

"Alright, you two clearly have no idea who is after you so! Next matter at hand! Our trip to Nova Scotia to find the Grimoire for Shay," Caroline prompted as she rose from her seat near the fireplace. She wore a blue jean jacket, a black blouse and jeans, her gold locks up in a ponytail. Damon rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch.

"And the prophecy! Are we going to talk about that?" Shay reminded everyone. Damon groaned as he looked at the girl.

"What prophecy?" Matt questioned, an eyebrow raised and his lips pursed. Bonnie sighed and plopped her hands on her bag before turning around.

"A couple days ago, my or well, our mom, came and told us of a prophecy about Shay," Bonnie explained. Stefan and Caroline shared a look.

"Well? Are you going to tell us?" Damon asked, making a gesture with his hands. Shay nodded.

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