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MATT DONOVAN WAS SWEATING PROFUSELY. His dirty blonde hair was caked with blood from his wound, his shirt was ripped and he hadn't bathed in a while. He was locked away in some type of dungeon or tomb and from the looks of it, he had been there ever since he left the Salvatore's the day before. After he and Tyler returned back to Tyler's family home, Matt crashed in his bed, exhausted from what he had encountered in the previous hours.

His best friend since birth, Elena Gilbert, was gone. The first girl he ever fell in love with was gone. And he had no idea how he was supposed to deal with that. Despite what him and his friends had experienced for the last six years, nobody had died and stayed dead. Besides his sister Vicki, but that was for the best. He knew that now. As for everyone else, they came back. Alaric, Damon, Bonnie, Tyler, and most of all, Jeremy, Elena's younger brother. But then Kai Parker came along and wreaked havoc upon Mystic Falls like no other. He left a trail of carnage and mayhem as he went and his grand finale was the linking spell. He did what no one else could: take Elena Gilbert. For good. Matt understood the whole "magical link" thing and as easy as it sounded (getting rid of new girl Shay) he wasn't like the ruthless vampires he was surrounded by.

He wasn't up to killing an innocent girl who had no idea what or who she was solely to get his best friend back. That wasn't right in his book.

So after he fell asleep as Tyler went about his business, he ignored the incessant texts from Caroline Forbes. It wasn't until he heard his bedroom door ripping off it's hinges from a magical blast that he knew he had to wake up. Before he could even see what was going on in his room, everything went dark just as he heard a British woman's voice say,

"Caecus." It was like a veil of darkness covered his eyes. Flailing around in the dark, he tried to make his way through his clutter filled room. But of course, he had no luck.

"Hey! Hey, what's going on?" He yelled into the dark, thrashing around with his hands.

"He's cute. Are you sure she said kill him?" Said a British female's voice. His heart immediately dropped into his stomach as he heard the possibility of his death. Am I wearing the Gilbert ring? He thought in a panic as he reached for his hands. Petite hands wrapped around his strong arms and although he tried wrangling himself from their grasp, it was useless. It was clear they were way more powerful than him. The force was definitely inhuman. Vampires... or werewolves, he thought fuming.

"She did. She wants to send a message of some sorts. But I think we should just hide him. Give his lads time to look for him, distract them. Don't you think so, Matt?" asked another voice as they dragged him out of his room.

"Oh, his blue eyes are to die for," One the girls moaned as she slid her hand across his smooth but rugged face. He immediately whipped his head to the side, sneering as he went.

"No! Stop! Why are you doing this? Who are you?" He hollered. Matt Donovan has faced his fairshare of kidnappings. He was the perfect leverage. He was human and everybody loved him. From Kathrine, to Rebekah, Nadia and many more. He hated it.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 ━thevampirediariesWhere stories live. Discover now