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"SHAY? SHAY?" THE VOICE SEEMED FAR AWAY AND SOMEWHAT MUFFLED. Shay's eyes were closed, small particles of destroyed stone still littering her eyelashes. Her hands laid across her chest, her body covered in a blanket. Although she heard the voice, Shay did not want to wake up. She was tired. Exhausted. Fatigued. She couldn't go on anymore. In the last couple of weeks, all she had done was use magic after magic, risk her life and damage her health. Right now, laying wherever she was, was the only moment of peace she had gotten since she had awakened in Damon Salvatore's bedroom.

"Shay, I know you're awake," came the voice of her newly-revealed older sister. Bonnie Bennett stood over the girl, arms crossed as she watched her sister with feline eyes. Shay groaned and rolled to the side. She was in a bed. She didn't know how she got there but what she did know was that she didn't want to leave it. She felt the edge of the bed dip as Bonnie took a seat. Shay rolled her eyes beneath her eyelids. She was infuriated. How could Bonnie hide such a big secret from her? What was the point? So what Bonnie was older by four years? Why was that so big of a deal that Bonnie had to hide it?

Without opening her eyes, Shay asked one question.

"Are we dead?" Bonnie released a dry laugh. If I had a penny for every time I asked that question and it was true, I'd probably be able to buy a yacht, she thought as she remembered the many times she died. She was partially shocked she hadn't died yet. But thanks to the wretched Lily and the Heretics, they provided the location of the calcified Bennett witches to Damon and Stefan. Once Shay and Bonnie were completely buried in stone, Nora called Stefan, telling him that he and Damon had exactly four minutes to get to the Bennett sisters before permanent brain damage began. An extra two and well, they'd be dead. As soon as Stefan ended the call, Damon, doing what he did best (which was being Damon) snapped his mother's neck, and together, he and Stefan raced to the town square, using every ounce of vampire speed in their body.

By minute three, the brothers arrived and immediately began smashing into the stone. Punch after punch, pieces of stone flying everywhere as they worked to get back their friends. And weirdly enough, it was Damon who pulled out Shay. It wasn't a choice, it wasn't like he could see who he was going for but he coincidentally got the girl he had deep-rooted resentment for. So he didn't know why tears welled up in his eyes when he finally pulled her out of the stone. He didn't know why he hugged her limp body immediately, whispering how sorry he was into her ear. But he was. He was sorry for ever wanting her dead. He was sorry that he ever made her feel unwanted. and although shay hadn't heard a word he said, he knew he was going to tell her again anyway. He had to. As for Elena's coffin, the Salvatore mother had placed it in the Salvatore crypt, unharmed by any of her Heretics.

"And now we're here. That was yesterday, if it hadn't clicked," Bonnie concluded, taking a deep breath. The "here" was the Bennett home. They were in Shay's bedroom as Stefan, Damon, Alaric, Enzo, and Caroline waited in the living room. After a long scolding from her best friend, Caroline sped home immediately. And thanks to Klaus's private jet that he was so willing to let her use, she was home within hours. But before the blonde vampire left, she was sure to confirm what she and Klaus had: a relationship. They were officially in a relationship.

"Oh, so that's what we are? I preferred "hybrid king who fell in love with a townie",' Klaus said in amusement when Caroline had told them what they were. She had smacked his arm as she sunk back into his bed. She took a look out his balcony, listening to the bustling streets of New Orleans. God, how am I gonna tell Bonnie? And Elena? she had thought as she stared out the balcony. Klaus snuggled close to her, kissing her collarbone and making his way up to her neck. He stopped just behind his ear as Caroline's eyes fluttered, bringing a hand up to Klaus's hair.

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