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NORA HILDEGARD WAS BEYOND PISSED OFF. When Lily promised her along with the rest of the Heretics that they were leaving that godforsaken prison world, she expected a warm welcome from the town she planned on purging on. Not another set of witches trying to keep them down just like the Gemini coven did in 1903. Nora remembered the day clearly. Her and Mary-Louise were so happy to leave and start over and just as they finished a passionate kiss, the chanting began and next thing she knew, she was in the old Salvatore home, with no outside world.

As for the attack on the Salvatore brothers and friends, Nora was fairly sure she was ready to eliminate them all in one fell swoop. She had no emotion. She figured everything was going to be pretty easy. But of course there was the unaccounted variable. The one thing Lily and the Heretics weren't expecting: Shennel Bennett, the new witch in town. Lily Salvatore slammed her fist on the table in frustration as Nora slightly jumped in her seat.

"Why didn't anyone do any research on the new witch? I thought you all said you were ready!" Lily growled through clenched teeth. They were all back in the home they had decided to occupy the moment they left the 1903 Prison World. It was enough to contain the rest of them but Malcom, Mary-Louse and Oscar had high hopes of taking over the Salvatore Boarding House. All of the Heretics did, but the three of them truly enjoyed how large and spacious it was.

Oscar Kang rolled his eyes as he continued to read his spell book, trying to gather more information about what they were planning to do.

"It's not our fault, Lily. We didn't know about the other witch. And it seems like she's powerful," Mary-Louise cautioned as she reminisced at the young witch's power. Malcolm stood up from his chair, a confused look on his face.

"My question is, how was she able to magically teleport us all at once? That takes immense power. Her being able to do that would require her to channel at least an entire lot of ancestral witches," Malcolm questioned, slightly in awe at the girl. The man wasn't one to let anything go by without question and Nora couldn't agree more. The young witch was powerful. Extremely powerful.

"Shay. Her name was Shay and I couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance between her and that wench Bonnie," Nora groused as she fixed her hair in the mirror near the bookshelves. Mary-Louise smiled at the sight and snuck up behind her girlfriend, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"You still look beautiful as ever, darling," Mary-Louise cooed as she kissed Nora's neck. Nora's undead heart pumped loudly. If it wasn't for the predicament they were in, Nora would have undressed the girl in seconds. But she had no intention of angering Lily Salvatore any further.

"Mary-Lou, now is not the time. Anywho, how far along are we with our plan? We cannot possibly let this be a hitch in the road," Nora said, pushing the blonde Heretic away. Mary-Louise frowned as she grumpily took a seat on the couch. Lily sighed and stood up, turning to face her "children". She knew what she had to do.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 ━thevampirediariesWhere stories live. Discover now