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STEFAN SALVATORE KNEW BETTER. He knew that coming to Klaus Mikaelson for a favor obviously entailed one in return. He was stupid to think it wouldn't but at least it wasn't something horrific like kill his own brother. In other circumstances, I feel like he would ask me to do that, Stefan thought, knowing Klaus's dislike for Damon. At times, he couldn't blame him. His older brother was annoying.

"You didn't think I was going to help this easily, did you, old friend?" Came the whimsical voice of Klaus Mikaelson. It was around seven at night now and the two vampires stood outside the front door, the chill air barely phasing them. Stefan stared at the ground, racking his brain for some way to flatter the man but Klaus was quick to get to his point.

"See, Stefan, I will help you for a price of course. And I think you know what I want," Klaus taunted, a smirk growing onto his lips. Crossing his arms, Stefan raised an eyebrow. What could Klaus possibly have wanted? He had everything. Money, power, the perks to being a vampire and a werewolf. And he also had an heir to his throne; his daughter, Hope Mikaelson. A "miracle baby" as many had put it. The little girl was the world's first trybrid, wielding the powers and abilities of a vampire, werewolf and a witch, thanks to her grandmother and Original Witch, Esther Mikaelson.

"Klaus, what could you possibly want that you don't already have?" Questioned Stefan, awaiting a response. Klaus rolled his eyes, ashamed at Stefan's lack of thought.

"Oh please, Stefan. Spare me the stupidity. Her," Klaus said vaguely. "I want her." Stefan cocked his head to the side and as if the motion had helped, it clicked in his brain. Klaus wanted Caroline. The game of lovers to enemies had been one the Hybrid and the blonde vampire had entertained since Klaus's first visit to Mystic Falls. He had arrived seeking Elena and just his luck, he stumbled upon the golden beauty known as Caroline. And as much as Klaus wanted the girl that kept him on his toes, something inside him had refused him to fully commit to her and now that the opportunity had presented itself, he certainly wasn't going to pass up on it.

Stefan shook his head. "Caroline despises you, Klaus. You want to be with someone who can't even stand the sight of you?" Stefan pointed out, recalling Caroline's unpleasant reaction to Klaus's arrival. Klaus chuckled, amused at Stefan's attempt to stop him.

"You and I both know Caroline has grown to suppress her feelings for me. But deep down, she wants me just as much as I want her. Now, will you help me claim my prize or shall I whisk myself back over to New Orleans where my daughter and family await?" Klaus coaxed. Stefan glared into Klaus's sparkling eyes, full of victory. He knew Stefan wasn't going to turn him down. Stefan needed any help he could get to prove Shay's innocence. He wasn't going to allow Damon to lay a finger on her and he needed as much information he could get to prevent that.

Stefan sighed, looking up at the light blue sky that was slowly shifting to dark.

"Fine. I'll help you get Caroline."


"They sure have been out there for a while," Alaric Saltzman imparted as he took another glance at the door. He was standing by the living room's entryway, hands deep into his pockets. Caroline Forbes sat indolently on one of the chair's near the fireplace, staring deep into the fire. Right now, she needed something else to focus on besides the new girl who was the one thing standing between her and her best friend. Speaking of he best friend, Elena Gilbert's coffin sat still a fewt feet away from the fireplace. After everything that had been going on, Caroline had completely forgotten she was still here. I have to make the arrangements to get her somewhere safe, Caroline thought, staring into the fire absentmindedly.

Bonnie Bennett was at the bookshelves, mindlessly sifting through the books as she quietly laughed at the big names she came across. She knew for a fact Damon hadn't read a single one. Speaking of the man in question, he had locked himself in his room, pacing the place back and forth, trying to suppress his urge to yell at his brother for inviting one of the people he despised so much into his home.

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