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"What you're breaking up with me?"

•••"What you're breaking up with me?"

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"Yea..I-I'm not happy anymore."

FRANK WANTED to take a walk. Kind of clear his head and think about things, figure himself out.

As much as he loved Gerard, he wanted to end things with him but at the same time he didn't.

He was so used to being with him but at the same time it felt so horrible being with him.

He lost everyone from his childhood for him - he gave up everything he had at the time selfishly for him. In the end Frank got the short end of the stick.

Frank had no one to talk to, no family, no friends. He was alone in the lonely pitiful universe.

He knew Gerard was major toxic but he couldn't care less. He was toxic too.

What's stopping him from leaving? Being alone  and missing him so much.

He tried to encourage Gerard to go to couples therapy the first time he started to abuse him.

He acted all sweet in therapy then later on the nights would be painful physically.

It couldn't click in his head. He was drowning and he could find away to make it to the surface.

He was loosing grip on Gerard and he couldn't hold on anymore. He was loosing the man he wanted to marry.

He sat down at a bench to cry. He's been crueler however, like one time he made him walk barefoot on a very hot day.

It was terrible. Gerard had a terrible attitude with him.

He knew at some point he wouldn't love him anymore but until then he would keep going through this shit if he didn't leave.

Tears rolled down his face, a lot of beautiful and dark memories fighting for dominance.

He sighed wiping his nose and getting up. "What's the point."


"What's the point of me and you anymore." Frank said on the phone with Gerard.

"What the fuck do you mean what's the point." He asked annoyed at this weird question.

"I mean asshole, what's the point of this relationship if all that it holds is cheating and fucking abuse. I can't do this shit anymore okay!" Frank yelled through the phone.

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