• Don't do it •

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• 1182 Words •

"Go on and stab me see if I care."

"I will if you get any closer to me

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"I will if you get any closer to me."

FRANK WOKE UP around 3 A.M to the sound of glass shattering. He grabbed his gun from under his pillow and held it at the door. Frank's heart dropped like never before.
He heard slow footsteps towards his bedroom door.

They stopped right in front of it. He was shaking and couldn't hold the gun in place.
Gerard punched the door and Frank let out a broken yelp of fear, he was shaking severely.

"He's gonna kill me.." He repeated under his breath.

The footsteps soon walked towards the bathroom door and soon a loud slam was heard.
Frank stayed in bed in that exact position. He couldn't stay here tonight, he was to scared.

He couldn't even argue with him anymore, because he's never been this scary.
Frank grabbed the old backpack that he left his mom's house with - he could remember that day like yesterday.

He put a few clothes in but not to the point of stuffing his backpack. He laced his shows and ran his tattooed hand through his hair.

Frank's eyes ran like rivers during a storm. Non stop tears that fell with emotion.

The more he thought about it. He soon realized this was his moment to leave. He was free, but he didn't wanna loose Gerard. He was his everything, but he couldn't be his everything forever. At some point he would've had to let him go, either death or break ups.

He just realized right there that.
He couldn't do this anymore.

It was time for him to let go of what he's so used to and let go of the past and most importantly.. let go of Gerard forever.

He's making a statement towards Gerard leaving him tonight. He wouldn't be his little bitch anymore.

Frank picked up the old box and opened it. He couldn't physically kiss Gerard and say his official goodbye so this was the only way. He could still he in the darkness Gerard's smile. He silently cried while he gave the picture a kiss and gave it a small hug. "I'll never forgot you or who you we're baby. You'll always be my Gerard." Frank sighed a few tears and let the photo down.

Frank put the box back deep in the closet and walked away from the memories. He inched towards the door and put his ear against it. It was silent and it gave him such an nasty feeling, something was gonna go down if he didn't leave this apartment.

He slowly opened the door and it creeped a little. Frank heard a sound in the bathroom. He stopped in his tracks.

He had to think smart for a moment. If he opens the door slowly the door will cause more noise because it's more squeaky slow. If he opens it quickly then it won't make that much noise and it will not be so hard to leave.

He sighed before counting in his head. 'Three, Two, One!' He opened the door wide open and speed walked through the door but soon the bathroom door swung open.

"Where you think you're going!" Gerard yelled running towards him.

Frank swore he saw his life flash before his eyes. "Let me go Gerard! Leave me alone!" He cried before Gerard gripped his short body and slammed him into the stove of the kitchen.

The gun dropped to the floor and surprisingly it didn't fire off.

He held his rib in pain while Gerard gripped his hair. He slammed him into the wall next to the front door. He tried to unlock it but Gerard stopped him. Frank slapped him and ran towards the living room. He stood a few feet away from Gerard. "Get away." His shaky voice said in fright. "You're an asshole."

"I'm the asshole." Frank said while whimpering from the pain. "After all this time of us being together you wanna leave. I thought you loved me." Frank scoffed. "I can say the same to you. Let me leave right now, before I call the cops."

"Cops won't do shit, you're such a pussy it's crazy." Frank grabbed a kitchen knife and held it towards him. "You gonna stab me now?" Frank didn't respond and just stood their holding his ribs with his other hand.

"Go on and stab me see if I care." Gerard said quietly waiting for him. "I will if you get any closer to me."

"I hope you find someone who'll protect you from me." Gerard said with an angry face that scared him.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't I have the boy who really loved me back!" Frank screamed as tears fell from his sad eyes.

Gerard slowly creeped closer to him. "I'm right here." Frank shook his head. "No! You aren't! You said you would take care of me, you would love me. You lied to me, I trusted you. I left my mom's house for you like - does that even matter to you? I LOVED YOU ENOUGH TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING AND LOOK WHERE WE ARE NOW!" He screamed out.

"You act like you had anything to began with - you would be a meth addicted drug addiction living on the streets and sucking std having cocks in cars if it wasn't for me." He sounded as if he wanted to hurt Frank's feelings. He would ignore the sting.

"Don't tell me what the hell I would be, and that sounds way better then what you've given me in this absolutely HORRIBLE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE." He finally was telling him how he felt for the last 3 years and it felt amazing. He felt like he was getting through Gerard and his fucked up head.

"Call me an asshole one more time." He said in the most quite but dangerous voice ever.

"You. Are. An....Asshole." Frank looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Okay, this is your funeral." Gerard walked towards him with heavy footsteps. Frank didn't wanna hurt him but it was a moment that he had no control and he slashed Gerard's cheek.

He let out a shriek and looked at Frank with the most scariest eyes he'd ever seen on him. Frank ran far away from him, as soon as he did he regretted it because he could've been locked in his bedroom by now. However Gerard could have broken the door down and had him in a corner.

Gerard's eyes we're tearful due to the pain on his cheek while the blood fell into the carpet ground.

Still holding his cheek and giving Frank time he ran past Gerard and went and grabbed the dropped gun.

He held Gerard at gunpoint with shaking hands.


A/N: GUYS THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST CHAPTER!! this book is coming to an end! :((( i'll definitely miss writing this book but a new era will began after this! in retro spect a new book will be released <3

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