#TRASPECIAL Best Muslim Reader's Choice Award Voting List! [CLOSED]

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Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu & welcome to the #TRASPECIAL Best Muslim Reader's Choice Award!

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Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu & welcome to the #TRASPECIAL Best Muslim Reader's Choice Award!

Before we proceed, please READ THIS CAREFULLY so that we don't have any misunderstandings later on. Firstly, we really appreciate your presence here, may He guide us to write good books that serve as reminders for the society. And so, it is crucial that you pick the right book to vote.

TRA Category Selection has officially closed! Which also means Round 1 of judging has finished and we have picked the 40 books that will be judged this year out of the currently 105 book. You will find the shortlist on our profile in a few days, In Shaa Allah. (we'll let you know, don't worry!)

Prompt-Inspired Short Story award is still ongoing, the last date for it is 31st October 2020. Please do submit your short stories ASAP!

We would also like to thank everyone who nominated "A Voyage Within Qalb" <3 (written by our founder; Jas), but she thinks it would be unfair as she is the one who picks out the winners at the end. - writer_muslimah

We have included short stories in these awards if there are more than 5 parts in it as per the rules.

A quick update on how THIS works: 

Remember, this is open for everyone to vote (Muslims and non-Muslims, both :)

You have to comment +1 in the inline comments of the specific book you want to vote on.

You can vote as many times as you wish, and on however many books you want to vote on, go ahead. :D Guys, get those votes into thousands!

Self-voting is discouraged, but allowed.

3 winners will be selected for this award.

We recommend you to check the whole list of books before starting to vote.

Alright, fire away! 😉


Thank you, everyone for voting! It has now officially closed. The results will be announced along with all the other results so you'll have to be a little patient for them. And we would also like to say that they may or may not in the order of the number of votes, as the cover / plot / aesthetics count too! So anything might be a game changer, and we can't wait to publish the results!

Till then, assalam alaykum! 💕

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