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I find the same white boy I bumped Into earlier today before me. A wall of Fratello's built around him.

I scream and shield myself with my arms when a Fratello aggressively makes to strike me with its claws and then I hear a smooth voice of command.

"Stop! "
I look up to see it's the white boy who spoke.
I am too scared and shaken to rise. What have I gotten myself into? Is he their prince or king... Or... ~Oh Sonia you just had to leave that room!

He suddenly stoops down towards me and takes my chin between his fingers.
"You're the new girl aren't you? " he questions.

"Y... Yes? " I reply in fear after gulping hard.

He scoffs " be careful next time" he replies with a gentle smile. His red pupils boring into my soul. We maintain this posture for a few discomforting seconds before he rises to his feet, turns his back to me, and walks away.

The Fratello that intended to strike me growls at me before proceeding to catch up with the others.

I remain on the floor. Lost in confusion. Why do I so much feel like I've seen him somewhere? He looks familiar.

I rise and dust my dress. I look down at my dress and recall the morning of my birthday when my father had gifted it to me as part of my birthday gift. I take a deep breath and blink rapidly to avoid crying.

I turn around and begin to walk in the opposite direction back to the room. I stop when I sense I'm been watched. I look around but find nothing so I rapidly continue my walk.

I get back to the room and find Tori hugging Gabby.

"Where have you been? " Rachel questions as she rises to her feet. I ignore her and sit beside Gabby. She scoffs and walks away. I place my head on my knees and close my eyes.

I hear the metal gong and open my eyes. I find I had fallen asleep for a little while hence the sky dark and my vision a bit blur from sleep.

"Come on sis, we've got to join the line" I hear Gabbys sweet voice say to me. She really is a real gem of a person. And it's good to have her back.

I hug her and whisper; "thanks for being such an angel. "

"It's the least I could do for my cute new friend" she replies and I can't help but smile.

We join the line and are lead to the dining room. We are handed our bowls and metal cups. I don't even bother looking into the bowl before grabbing my cup of water and downing it.

I then decide to look into the bowl and I find a lot of cockroaches weakly dancing about in the bowl. My eyes widen in shock and goosebumps cover my entire body.

I hear Gabby giggle. "They may be gross but highly nutritional," she says.

"No way! What is madre? Chinese!? " I ask in bewilderment and disgust. I know only Chinese people to be able to consume such things! ~no offense.

"Sorry" I apologize to the Asian-looking girl sitting beside Rachel as she looks up at me due to my comment.

Gabby just giggles and I watch all the others munch their COCKROACHES!!!.. No thank you but I'd pretty much just let my ulcer kill me.

Soon enough, the metal gong is struck and I thank God I didn't have to struggle much with keeping those disgusting bugs in my bowl. After the annoying synchronized appreciation, we begin to head out of the room...

I wait a few seconds for a Fratello to pull me but nothing happens I then make it walk towards it myself so it could take me to my room.. ~cell.

"Hold up Missy. You're sleeping with us tonight. " Gabby informs as she pulls me back.

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