Good Morning😈...

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Panic had already begun to build in my system and my forehead head had begun to produce sweat at an unbelievable rate. I felt as though I would pee on myself.

"Who's there!? " I ask again in fear, but my question is replied by a screeching sound... All of a sudden, a rat dashes towards me causing me to scream. The only thing on my mind is how to get to the bed.

I make my way towards the bed screaming, jumping, crying, and swinging my arms in all directions as I hop from leg to leg. I jump on the bed sitting on my legs as I watch the rat run about the partially dark room.

I finally adjust to a better position when my calves begin to hurt from me sitting on them. I draw my knees to my chest and use my hands to strap them put.

I begin to wonder what is going on. Where am I?, how did I get here? do my parents have any idea where I am or last was?, am I going to die here? what happened to that little boy? is the story beginning to manifest in my life?. 
Whatever life Is going to throw at me, I sure know This Mansion is not where I want to be.


I wake up to a familiar feel. I slowly open my eyes only to find my Beautiful mother sitting at the edge of my bed gently shaking me awake.

I smile broadly as I realize The Mansion was just a dream~or nightmare. I sit up and look around my perfect pink room. I see my dear stuffed bunny the same one my best friend got me before she returned to Paris and then our trusty butler Mr. Jacob, an amazing man. He is also standing there smiling broadly at me.

My mom helps me out of bed and out of my room. She keeps smiling at me and looking at me with her big dreamy eyes. As we climb down the stairs, the smell of Mac & Cheese(my favorite) fills my nose.

She leads me to the dining room. My father and brothers are already at the table. All discussing and laughing merrily. Mom helps me draw my seat and she sits beside me as I take mine.

Although I'm glad The Mansion was just a dream, something feels... Off?.

"Would you have some meatballs? " my mother asks and my heart stops at the sound of her voice.
It stops because her voice sounded different and unfortunately familiar~and not in a good way either.

I look up at my mother and before me is the same black hooded, red-eyed white witch from last night,  boring holes into my soul with her eyes.

I look over at my father in fear only to find a being similar to those creatures from the mansion. I look over at my brothers and the same transformation had enveloped them.

"Today, we feast! " I hear Mr. Jacob scream from behind me. I turn around to look at the man who just like my brothers and father had transformed into a creature.  He suddenly reaches for the covered plate sitting before me, takes off the cover from the plate and what I see drains all life from my face.

On the plate before me is Charles's battered and blood-stained head. The same child from last night. I am forced to my feet screaming.

"Welcome home" I hear my father say in a demonic voice with a horrifying echo and they all begin to laugh evilly. My head begins to spin as I begin to hear little Charles's voice screaming for mercy, the witch's voice welcoming me to the Mansion, and my now transformed family's laughter.

I hold onto my head screaming. I suddenly fling myself forward and my eyes are forced open. My hands-on my head. I look around me and only then do I realize that I was dreaming ~ or rather having a nightmare.

I wake up on the same bed I ran to while seeking protection from the rat last night. I didn't realize when I laid down to sleep. Stress must have taken its toll on me.

I bring my hands down and my eyes catch the scar I acquired from last night on my arm. It's even more hideous than I remember. With dry blood around and on it and its darkening surface.

I recall my nightmare and tears begin to escape my eyes. What is worst? My family becoming this monsters,  or these monsters becoming my family?.

I aggressively wipe my tears off my face. I am Sonia Deborah Smith!.. I am not a weakling! Today is a new day, and a fresh opportunity to plan my escape out of this lunatic home!.

I take a deep breath as I finally look up and begin to access the room in which I slept. It's not a big room, but it's not small either. My room back home is bigger than this.

My eyes fall on the window which has no blinds or nets or protection. Just long rusty bars like those of a prison cell and right outside it lays a bush... A thick bush. So thick I won't consider jumping into even if I find a way past that window.

Are these people mad!? A snake could have easily come in here and killed me overnight!.

I finally decided to look to my right on the other side of the room which I haven't looked at since I woke up.

I scream and nearly fall off the bed when I find a creature standing Idly in the corner of the room not too far from the door.  Gazing at me from under its demonic hood. For how long has it been there? Was it there all night?  Did it do something to me while I slept!?.

I am still trying to bring my heartbeat to normality when this thing slowly begins to walk towards me. Oh, fuck shit!!.. Did this thing have to be the first thing I would see in the morning!?..

It keeps walking creepily towards me till the space between us is fully minimized. What now!?

My heart completely fails when its cold fingers suddenly takes hold of my arm.

I gulp hard, oh God!

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