Just Admit It;...

43 16 14

I make it to my bed with a lot of struggle. I lay in it on my back staring at the ceiling.

You know, I may not know where I am or when I'd leave. But I think it's best I make memories. I don't want this wicked world I've been born into the stain my soul with bitterness.

I've made friends, and I know I am not just some random kid. My love for family and my zeal would bring me out of here. I just know it. Fate won't abandon me. Not when I have scores to settle and a family to get back to.

I close my eyes as I let the comforting arms of sleep wrap around me...
I open my eyes and I find myself in a red dress but still on my bed. My vision clears and I find Desmond standing before me.

"What are you doing here!? " I question in alarm.

"You called me here," he replies.

"I did!? " I question.

"Yes. You also asked madre to change your dress and empty the female hall. "He replies with a 'don't you know' expression on his face.

"No, I didn't!" I protest.

"You know what? If you don't know why you called me here. I'm just gonna go back to the Male room and get back to the sleep you very much interrupted! " he replies and I sense anger in his voice.

"Wait! " I call out to him grabbing his wrist.

"I know why I called you," I reply kneeling on my bed. ~ I do??

"I called you because I have something important to say. " I reply placing my palms on his cheeks. ~what in hells name is happening!?

"I want to tell you that. That I... That. " I begin to stutter. ~this isn't looking good.

"I... I like you. No. I.. I. Like like you" I finally finish. SAY WHAT NOW?!!!.

He looks shocked and confused.
"I'm serious Desmond. I'm in love with you" I say again. ~ WHAT THE... !?

I begin to move closer to him and he bends his head a little to the side. ~ OH NO! NO. NO. NO. NO. NO!!
I place my lips on him and an unbelievably long & deep kiss comes next. ~ YUCK!!
I keep listening to mine and his silent moans. ~ this... this can't be real. I pinch Myself.

"Ouch! " I wake up to my yelp. ~it was a dream... It was a dream!!...
"It was only a dream. Just a dream. "

"Are you alright? " I hear Tori ask and only then do I realize I thought out loud.

"Y. Yeah. I'm. I'm. Fine. " I reply.

"A nightmare? " Gabby asks. I think upon it and...

"Yeah. A really disturbing one. " I reply. I lay my head back on my pillow and heave a sigh of relief. What sort of a near dream was that!?

The girls soon all form a line and I join in behind Gabby. Rachel and Tori stand behind me. We make it into the 'clean up room' and we all begin to undress.

"Hey, your rashes are gone! " Gabby notices.

"Yeah... It worked. " I say remembering Desmond's words.

"What worked? " Gabby asks bringing me back to the room.

"Oh. The leaves. " I reply and she stays quiet.

I walk to my tub which is beside Gabby's and I look into the water. Tori and Rachel stand beside me.

"Scared? " Rachel asks.

"Not really. " I reply as I have some hope in the leaves Desmond gave me. I sprinkle the leaves in my fist into the tub.

"Where did you get that? " Rachel questions.

"I just got them. " I reply as I feel it isn't necessary to give detailed explanations for whatever I do to her. ~ not that I do like her... But I DON'T LIKE HER! Your welcome to call me a Diva. I don't mind!

"Got them now?? " she again questions.

"Someone gave them to me and if you're gonna ask who. I'd have you know you have a very big problem. " I reply sternly and she gives me a stern look before turning away.

I get into the tub and Gabby hands me a soap. I finish bathing on my own and I get dressed in a red and blues striped T-shirt, black jean shorts, and of course my trusty ugly scandal. ~in case you're wondering; yes, I do wear underwear courtesy; Madre. She somehow knows that we girls need clean undies hence she miraculously gets us brand new ones occasionally. I do have a lot of questions to ask about this place!.

"Hey. " I hear someone speak and I turn to find Gabby standing beside me.

"Hey. " I reply as she rests her back on the wall beside me.

"I'm sorry for the things I said and the way I spoke to you yesternight. It was very uncool of me. " she apologizes.

"Nah. It's okay. You weren't the only person who got mad. " I reply.

"Really? " she asks.

"Yeah. " I reply.

"Look... The thing is; I'm a big coward and I've never seen anything quite like what you did. I just felt stupid for not being able to do what you did.

I think I got... Jealous. Or.. Or sad cause I know I can't save myself as you did yourself. " she replies.

"What do you mean? " I question.

"Never mind that" she replies and I see a bit of tear form in her eyes.

"The other person that got mad. It was Desmond right? " she questions.

"Yeah. " I reply.

"You guys seem to have been kicking it off smoothly these days," she comments and it hits me.

"Look... Gabby, I don't ever want you to think I'm trying to steal Desmond from you. I swear it's nothing like that. We just... " I begin to tell but she cuts me.

"Chill girl. Sonia, I told you I have a crush on Desmond but I never told you I love him.
What you two share is more than a silly crush. " she replies and my heart skips a beat. ~HOLD UP!!.

"Gabby, don't go offshore here. Bring your head back to the room. Desmond and I are just trying to form a friendship. We aren't even friends yet. Just mates. " I correct.

"Oh really? How about when he carried you to Madres wing of the mansion the day you fainted, saved you severally from fartellos, and let's not forget last night's little moments," she replies.

"Wait, you were there last night?? " I question in alarm.

"Of course I was. You didn't possibly think I slept so early. I knew when you left the room and when you were taking too long to get back, I decided to come to check on you to be sure all was well. And that's when I saw you two through the window having a little chat session under the beautiful moonlight.
Why do you think I didn't ask questions about the leaves??.

Girl, what you guys share is more than Chemistry. " she replies and my eyes widen in shock.

The dream/nightmare I had overnight floods my mind and I feel shivers run over my entire body.
"You can't come to such conclusions in just a few days! " I remark honestly.

"Okay then. Today is day is five and I'm still counting. Soon you're gonna admit to yourself that you guys are a perfect match." She replies.

"Don't hold your breath on it! " I reply.

"We'll see. The heroine always denies her feelings at first in most romance novels. " she coos.

"That's not true! And even if This Mansion were to be a novel, I'm pretty sure it would be horror and not romance! " I shot.

"That's true. But who says a little romance isn't allowed in a horror novel? " she coos while wiggling her brows at me.

"You're nuts! " I reply as I roll my eyes and look away while she just laughs.

"For the record; Madre and the Fartellos can't know about this," she adds and I slap my forehead with my palm. ~ Of course they won't know cause there's nothing to know about!!

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