HARRY 2😔;....

35 14 16

Mr. Simon my dad's driver drops me off. I tell him to leave and that I'd call once I'm ready to come home.

I take in the beauty of Harry's front porch. Harry's parents are not as rich as mine, but he did put a lot into decorating his house. A few people outside greet me and wish me as I make my way into the house. The inside looks more beautiful than the outside.

I move to the backyard and find more people at the pool. My teammates greet and welcome me. I keep looking around for Harry but I can't find him. I ask his housekeeper where he is and after a little hesitation, he tells me Harry is in his room but I shouldn't bother him cause he's busy. ~yeah right! I shouldn't bother my boyfriend cause he's busy planning my amazing birthday party!!.

I walk up to Harry's room. I twist the doorknob but it doesn't budge. Luckily, he gave me a spare key. I had just unlocked the door when...

"Mmmm. You're the best.... I've missed doing this. Can't recall the last time I had this much fun! " I hear a much too familiar voice say.

"Yeah... Your friend never lets me under her dress you know!? That just sucks! " Harry's voice replies.

"I know, the baby doll's still a virgin but I'm here for you. I'd keep giving you all the fun and entertainment you need.

You can keep your little nun for show, but I'd keep giving you the main deal in the background. " the familiar feminine voice says in a flirtatious manner.

"Sonia needs to loosen up. All that body isn't gonna stay untouched forever!

I mean, I love her, but her body is kinda the main deal! " I hear Harry's voice speak and my heart sinks to the depths of my stomach.

"Ha! My friend would never do that, just let me keep doing what I do! " the feminine voice speaks again and then I begin to hear soft moans.

I fling the door open in hurt, fear, and disbelief only to find my 'best friend Loey naked in bed with my equally naked 'boyfriend'!! My heart bursts in sorrow as I stare at them. Harry looks shocked and scared while Loey on the other hand looks rather wasted.

"Babe, it's not what you think! " Harry says as he jumps off the bed using the blanket to cover his lower region.

I turn away and begin to race down the stairs.

"Let her go! " I hear my 'best friend' scream in anger. People keep staring at me as I run out of the house crying like someone whose world just came crashing down. ~oh wait, my world did just come crashing down!!

My legs keep carrying me as I take wipes out of my purse to clean off my smudged makeup.

The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My palms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me.

My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides from my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs.

My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called Mr. Simon my driver to come to get me!.

This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!.

I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in a frenzy. I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster.

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