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Before us is Gabby pinned to a wall by a Fratello. Standing on her toes and crying In clear pain and despair with her up dress up thighs and her panties down. The Fratello on the other hand, has its hand between her legs, making violent up and down movements, with its tongue on her neck.

Anger boils in me as I remember the Fratello that tried to take advantage of me. ~so this is what Gabby is going through! She is an assault victim and that too a victim of this hideous creature!

I make to March towards them when Desmond takes a hold of my wrist. I make to talk but he quickly pulls his hands up to his lips. The Fratello raises its head as it's heard the noise I made and Desmond pulls me back into the corner before it finds us.

"What are you doing!? " I ask Desmond in annoyance once I'm sure we are far enough from the Fratello and Gabby.

"I could ask you the same," he replies.

"I want to go stop that thing! " I reply.

"Yeah, cause your wonder woman or better still Superman's long-lost sister right? " he questions.

"What do you mean? " I question.

"Look, Deborah, we are underground and you want to go confront a Fratello in here!?

I'll have you know that we are more than six feet in the ground right now and if you do something foolish, then we would be not just underground but also dead! " he informs.

"But.. But.. " I make to speak.

"Asides from that, you would also be endangering Gabby and your friendship with her.

Do you think she'd appreciate me seeing that or the fact that you spied on her!?

Things may go wrong with no way to correct them if you make a foolish move now. "He explains.

"So we just let this happen? " I ask with tears in my eyes.

"We don't know for how long it's been happening, one more night won't kill. Let's just get the fu*k out of here and think of a way to save her. " He replies.

"But she... Can't you tell more? " I question.

"You don't get it! Advocating for you already makes madre suspicious of us. Now if I do the same for another girl, she'd think I'm a flirt and that would endanger a lot of lives. "He explains.

"But.. But.. She... She's in pain and. And. And. There... We. I... What... " I begin to stutter as I break down in tears.

"Deborah, I know this is hard for you. You're a good friend but don't let your emotions pull a veil over your eyes.

It'd be fine okay, just don't do anything right now. He begs.

"She also mustn't know you know about this, and no one else should find out. Let's go back to our rooms and think of a solution.

Do not act on this discovery. "He instructs. ~so there's nothing we can do!?.

My crying becomes worst and I rest my back on a wall not too far from me.

"It's gonna be okay Deborah," He says to me. Pulling me into a warm, soothing hug. I wasn't expecting that but I accept his hug. His smooth and beautiful voice accompanied by his exquisite accent speaking comforting words into my ear.

My sobs soon die down and,
"Come on, let's leave this place before we get caught, "He says as he takes hold of my hand and I just follow obediently.

We finally get to the front of the female hall and he turns me to face him...

"Don't forget what I told you. You've already disobeyed me once. Don't do it again. " he warns and I nod.

"Stop crying, " He says to me and I look away as I try to blink away my tears.

"A smile fits you better, "He says using his thumb to wipe tears off my face. I feel flattered by his words and I look up at him. Our gaze meets. His perfect deep brown pupils burn into my light brown ones. His gaze pulls upon my Heart and I slowly feel myself become jelly under his powersome gaze.

I breathe through my mouth to steady my racing heart. It feels as though my soul is connecting with his. I can't look away.

I want to stop staring but I can't! The beauty of his eyes is just as magical as it's attractive. He takes a step towards me and I take one back. We don't exchange words but he keeps coming closer and with each step he takes towards me, I take one backward.

This keeps happening till my back rests gently against the door. I watch his face slowly come close to mine. I want to stop him, but I can't. I gulp when there's very little space left between our lips. Realization hits him and he suddenly stops.

He clears his throat and stands up straight. "Yo. You should be in bed now. "He says.

"Y. Yeah. " I reply. I feel my cheeks burn.

"Don't forget what I told you. See you tomorrow," He says as he begins to move away from me.

I know he won't leave till he's seen me get into the room.
"See you tomorrow. " I manage to reply before walking into the room and shutting the door. I wait a few seconds before I slightly open it again to peek at him.

I watch him run his fingers through his hair and stare at the door for a few seconds. He breathes out and mutters something but I'm too far to hear.

I then watch him finally turn around and walk away. Once he's out of sight, I shut the door and begin to walk to my bed.

What's going on with me? Was he just about to kiss me!?
I've never felt this way before. Not even with Harry. It feels as though there's a part of me that only Desmond can bring to life.

I've just spent five days here and I feel so confused already!
What... What is this I feel??

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