Chapter one: Becca

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! Evilbacon1122 here! This is my first story I worked really hard on this I hope you like it! This Is a fast moving story just saying. Stay awesome! Love you guys❤️
Beccca opened her eyes slowly. Her ears where ringing and her head hurt. She sighed and tried to get up. She shook and pulled. She then looked at her hands and saw that they where held down by metal cuffs. She shook her feet and realized that her ankles where strapped down too. Her eyes adjusted and she looked around. She was in a white room on a small bed. A weird yellow light that was transparent blocked her from the outside. "Crap." She sighed as she put her head on the uncomfortable pillow. She lay there for a good five minuets until she heard foot steps coming down the stairs and to her cell. "oh. You're awake." A smooth British voice said. Beccca looked over to see who it was. He was a tall man with black hair that went to his shoulders. His face was thin and pale. "Who are you?! Where am I?! Why am I here?!" Becca yelled as she shook, trying to get free. "I am Loki. You are in Asgard. You where a threat to Earth." He said. Becca sighed. "Can you at least let me out of these... Things?" Loki looked at her for a moment. "Fine." He said as he flicked his wrist. The cuffs disappeared. Becca got up and walked to the cell wall where Loki was. "What happened." She asked. Loki raised an eyebrow and replied, "S.H.E.L.D brought you to my bother and he brought you here. You where just to much of a-" Becca cut him off. "TO MUCH OF A WHAT?!" She yelled as her brown hair burst into flames, her blue eyes turned a fiery shade of orange, and in her hands she held balls of fire. "Calm yourself." Loki said cooly. Becca took a deep breath and all of these fiery features went away. She looked normal again. "So you're just going to keep me in here forever?" Becca said as she walked to her little bed and sat down. Loki said nothing. He stood there for a few seconds then left.
Becca just lay on the floor playing with her flame powers. Creating balls of fire then making them disappear. She was wearing her "mortal" outfit. A tee shirt and some jeans. She sighed as she continued with her powers. She would make little flames with the tips of her fingers and snap and a puff of smoke would appear. She was happiest when left alone.... So no one could see her... No one could judge her. In the middle of playing with her powers she heard familiar footsteps. She continued to play with her powers and said, "What do you want now?" She heard the footsteps stop in front of her cell. "We'll go ahead and talk! I don't have all day!" She snapped. she heard Loki sigh. Becca sat up and sat cross legged on the cold, white, floor. "Odin has agreed to let you roam. Of course you have some rules. You must NOT use your powers unless you need to protect yourself or others. You must be escorted everywhere by," His face turned red. "Me.. I am in charge of you. You will sleep in your cell." Beccca nodded and stood up. With a wave of his hand, Loki made the wall disappear. Becca slowly walked out. Glaring at Loki. "I know you don't like me. But please. At least act like it." loki said as he started walking. Becca followed him.
"So... How old are you?" Loki asked as they walked down the golden hall. "24." Becca replied. Loki looked her up and down. "You must change. You look so... Well you won't fit in." Becca rolled her eyes.
"Here." Loki said as he thew a green dress at Becca. "I will be waiting outside." Loki said as he walked out. Becca was in Loki's chambers. For some reason. She got dressed and walked out of the room. Just as Loki said, he was waiting. Loki looked at her. He just stared. "Is there.... Something wrong?" Becca asked. Loki looked ahead of him. "No.... Just.. Just follow me." He led her though the golden castle. "Where are we going?" Becca asked. "To Odin." Loki said quickly.
A giant throne stood out more than anything else in the castle. In it sat a old man with grey hair and a golden eye patch. Loki bowed and so did Becca. "Rise." Odin said in a deep voice. They did so. "Odin...This...Becca, needs something to.. Train with." Becca gave Loki a confused look. "She can train with the others. She has her flames. She will survive." Odin replied. "What? I'm... going to battle?" Becca asked. "Yes.. The frost Giants have declared war and we nee-" Loki tried to say but once again Becca cut him off. "I AM NOT FIGHTING IN ANY WAR! THATS WHY YOU BROUGHT ME HERE! YOU JUS-" Odin interrupted her. "SILENCE!" He bellowed. Becca just stared for a second. "I'm not fighting for anyone." Becca said. Then she started to run for the door.
"STOP HER!" Odin yelled. Loki quickly ran towards her. He was just about to grab her wrist when, BAM! Becca turned around. She was furious. Once again her brown hair turned into flames, her blue eyes turned a fiery shade of orange, and balls of fire was in her hand. Loki fell back but quickly got back up. He mumbled something under his breath and shoot a green ball or gas out of his hands. Becca quickly responded by leaning to the side, avoiding the ball of gas then shooting fire at Loki. He tried to jump it but failed. Loki hurried to put the fire on his boots out. Then he attempted to get up but Becca knocked him down. She held him down with her foot and held one of her flames close to his face. Closer and closer the flame got. She could see sweat dripping down the side of his face. "STOP!!" A mighty voice yelled. Becca looked to her right and saw a muscular man with blonde hair that went to his shoulders. In his hand he held a hammer. Becca hesitated. She took a deep breath and calmed down. Her fire features went away. She took her foot off of Loki and stepped back. Still watching the muscular man closely. The man helped Loki up. "Thank you Thor." Loki said.
"I'm sorry but I still don't trust you...nether does Odin." Loki said as she waved his hand and made the force field to the cell appear again. Becca laughed. "Well I guess you learned something new today." Loki looked at her confused. "And what's that?" Loki asked. Becca smiled as she stepped closer to the wall of the cell. "Don't make me angry."

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