Chapter nine: Plans

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I wasn't hungry but I still went to dinner. Loki sat across from me and Sif and Ashlee where next to me. "Are you ok?" Sif asked me. I nodded.
I looked around the table. There where warriors, Thor, Odin, and Frigga. I looked next to Loki and saw a man. He was skinny, had blonde hair, and glasses. He looked nervous. But I just shook it off.
"Want to go to the village tomorrow morning?" Ashlee asked. "Sure." I replied.
When dinner was over, I went to my chambers. It wasn't late but I was tired so I went to sleep. I awoke a little bit later to hear a quiet knocking on my door. I assumed that it was Loki, so I got up and opened the door. Instead of Loki I got Sif. "What are you doing?" I whispered. "No time to explain. Just come on." She said as she grabbed my wrist. She took me to the dungeons. It was cold and damp. We went past all the cells and to a dark corner. "What are w-" Sif cut me off. "SH!" She then let go of my wrist and ran her hand across the damp cobble stone wall. "Ah..." She said, and pushed on a stone. It pushed in and a door appeared in front of us. Sif smiled, "Ashlee is waiting down here for us." I was so confused. "What are we doing?" I asked.
"Oh you know...just going to sneak out of the castle without being noticed."

"Then why can't we just go the normal way out?"

"Because if we get caught, no one saw us leave the castle so they can't blame us."

"Why are we sneaking out of the castle?"

"We are going to the bifrost."

"But won't Headmiel see us?"

"We made a deal with him." I raised my eyebrow. "What kind of deal?"
"A deal."

"Thanks. Very good detail." Sif sighed as she looked at me. "We made a deal that if he told no one... we would..I dunno... Not be able to sword fight until the war." I was so confused. "But we need to train!" She frowned and opened the door. It was dark inside. So I made a flame with my hand. I was like a human torch. "Come on." Sif said as she started to walk down the long, dark, hall.
Sif was in full armor and I was in mine too because I went right to sleep when I went to my chambers. I never really ate that much and my body was always tired because I used my powers a lot and that drained my energy. I don't know why I didn't eat that much. I guess ever since my mother died I stopped eating. Well I still ate but not a bunch. "We're almost there... I think." Sif whispered. "Why are we even going to the bifrost?" I asked. "You'll soon find out."
We made it to the end of the hall/tunnel thing. "Up here." A familiar voice whispered. Sif and I looked up and saw Ashlee. Sif smiled. "Give me your hand and I'll pull you up." Ashlee said smiling. We did so. We where right outside the castle, it was cold outside but we didn't care. "So what are we doing?" I asked Ashlee. "We are going to the Jotunheim to find out their battle plans. Odin sent us to do this but no one else must know. We made a deal with the gate keeper and he said that we can't use our swords until the war. But we can still practice without him knowing." Ashlee replied without even looking at me.
We quickly and quietly went to the bifrost and Headmil sent us to the Jotunheim.
We finally made it to our destination. It was dark, cold, and strange.
Becca, Ashlee, and Sif walked for about an hour until they reached a strange looking "palace". Becca was told to not use her powers just in case a frost giant saw them. They slowly approached the palace. Becca behind Ashlee, and Ashlee behind Sif.
We where just about to enter the..."palace" when I felt a cold hand cover my mouth. My powers kicked in. My eyes turned blazing red, my brown hair burst into flames. Sif and Ashlee didn't notice that I was being attacked. They had already gone inside the palace. "Shhh! Becca it's just me!" A calming voice whispered. It was Loki. "What are you doing here?!" I asked. "I know Odin sent you on this mission. I guess I came to help."

"This is my mission."

"I thought you would need help."

"Please Loki...I'm ok..just go home." Loki sighed, snapped his fingers, and disappeared.
I caught up with Sif and Ashlee. They almost screamed at me but I calmed them. We where now hiding behind a tall column inside a throne room. We looked and saw no one on the throne. "He was killed, that's why.... they probably have a new king but he's training for the war." Sif whispered. "Come on." Ashlee said as she pulled out her sword. Sif and me did the same.
We quietly walked towards the ice throne. I then noticed a scroll almost hidden behind the throne. I walked towards it and picked it up. It was the indeed the attack plans. I smiled. "Guys come here." I said.... I got no response. "Ashlee...Sif?" I asked as I quickly hid the plans in my boot. I turned around. They where not there. My heart started to race. I had to take the plans to Odin then come back to get them.
"OPEN THE BIFROST!" I yelled. and I was quickly sucked into a colorful portal. I landed on my hands and knees, but I got up as fast as I could and ran towards the castle. The sun was just rising in Asgaurd and I was tired, but that didn't matter.
"They where captured?" Odin asked me as I have him the scroll. "Yes sir. I must go back and save them before they are killed." I said quickly. Odin nodded. "You may take Thor and Loki with you....go now before it's too late." Odin said as he put the scroll in his belt.

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