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For a week, Braxton has been ignoring everyone and being with Seraphina. They've grown closer and the Cullens and Bella watched the two. Not once has she asked about the abnormal eye color or his eating. Braxton was confused on one thing. She was just as cold as they were, but she was completely human.

"Braxton?" Seraphina questioned bringing him out of his daze.


"It's fine, but is there something wrong?" She asked.

"No." He tells her as she laid her head on his chest as they laid in her bed. Braxton kissed her head. Seraphina raised up to see the time. "It's time to go?"

The two arrived to see Edward was back. Edward looked to see Seraphina and Braxton getting out of his car and walking off. He looked at his family shocked. "He's been staying with her since him and Rosalie got into it."

"Let me guess. She didn't want him around Seraphina." They nodded making Edward look at the two. He read their minds and was shocked that Braxton couldn't leave Seraphina's side. "I think their soulmates or the bond is stronger."

Rosalie looked at Braxton and Seraphina to see them kissing before walking in. Bella wondered if Seraphina knows, but it looks like Braxton isn't talking to his family. Which the Cullens know is hurting Emmett that his only living nephew won't speak to them. "Rose, you need to apologize. Emmett can't stand not talking to Braxton."

Rosalie sighed knowing she was hurting her mate and decided to go speak to Braxton and Seraphina.
Lunch came a little to fast for the students. Rosalie walked over to the table that Seraphina and Braxton started sitting at. "Braxton."

Seraphina looked up and looked at him. "I'll go get my lunch..."

"No. I have to talk to you too." Seraphina nodded as Braxton grabbed her hand. "I am sorry for how I treated you." She started out. "I told Braxton to stay away for two years. Braxton, I'm sorry for everything I said."

Seraphina nodded her forgiveness as Braxton sighed. "Fine, you're forgiven, but don't ever and I mean ever say nothing about her being around me."

"I won't." She said.

"Braxton, she's being nice so don't ruin it." Braxton nodded as Rosalie smiled at Seraphina. She was wrong to judge the human. Seraphina kissed Braxton. "The bell is about to ring."

"Let's go."

Braxton was smacked by Emmett and laughed as the two started to carry on. Seraphina and Rosalie rolled their eyes and walked off.
By the end of school, Seraphina felt like something was going to happen that will change everything. She was walking out of school since Braxton was talking to Emmett. Seraphina froze as she saw a blue van spinning out of control causing her to feel someone grab her. "Seraphina?" Alice questioned. "What's wrong?"

"That." Was all she could say.

Alice turn and saw the van, but Seraphina didn't know that the van was going to hit Bella. She saw Edward disappear making her look at Alice who's eyes widened at Edward's actions. "What did I just see?" She asked.

Braxton froze as he looked at her. "I can explain."

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