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Seraphina looked at Braxton waiting for an explanation of what happened at school. She watched him talk to his mother like he was trying to see if what he was about to do was okay. Esme looked over at the girl and walked over. "Hello, Seraphina." She said motherly. "I'm Esme."

"It's nice to meet you, but I would like to know what the hell I saw at school." She said look straight dead at Braxton. "You promised to tell me."

"Okay, but you have to promise me that once I'm done explaining that you won't tell a soul." Braxton said as she nodded. "We're vampires."

Seraphina was shocked by what she just heard. "How is that possible?" She asked.

"We don't know, but I do know how I came to be." Seraphina nodded her head for him to continue. "In 1950, my mother used to tell me stories about my uncle Emmett." He started out. "I knew that he was alive since we had a bond before he disappeared. Something told me that he was still here, but at the time I didn't know till one day."

"What happened?" She asked.

"I was on my way home from hunting when I heard a growl. I looked towards my left to see a wolf. It was a different kind as this wolf was huge."

"Shifters." She tells him. "I heard tales all about them and where they are mostly located. They were made to protect the humans guys."

"Yeah. Well this one was rogue and attacked me." Seraphina gasped. "It was painful, but I lost feeling some time during the attack. I thought I was a goner till Emmett found me."

Emmett walked over and sat down beside Seraphina. "I told him to hold on so I could get him some help, but he begged me to end his life right there." Seraphina looked up at Braxton confused. "I did the one thing I thought I couldn't do."

"You turned your nephew." Seraphina finished for him. Emmett nodded as he looked down in guilt. "Emmett, you saved the only family you have left. You may have Rosalie, but knowing you had a chance of having someone from blood made you feel complete. You weren't alone as long as you had family."

Emmett smiled at the girl and looked at Braxton. "You got yourself a woman."

"Don't I know it." Braxton said with a smile.
Seraphina looked at Braxton with one question on her mind. "Is this why Bella is so curious?"


Seraphina nodded and looked back at the game. She smelt food and shook her head as she walked towards the kitchen as Braxton followed her. "You guys don't have to do this." She tells them as she took the knife away from Emmett. "You don't play with knives. Vampire or not you can still harm others. For example." She said as she cut her hand making their eyes widen. "Wait for it." She tells them as they watched her heal.

"What?" Emmett asked shocked.

"I've always done this and never knew why." She tells them. "I'm just able to heal after getting cut. One time, a burglar broke in and saw me. He shot me. That was the first time I could heal."

Braxton looked at Carlisle who walked over to his mate. "Seraphina, do you know who your parents are?"

Seraphina shook her head. "I don't know any one from my family. All I know was that I was found on the side of the road." She said.

Carlisle nodded and looked at Braxton. "If it's alright with the two of you, I can take some of Seraphina's blood and start a test to find out who her family is."

Braxton looked at his mate who nodded. She was wanting to know who her family is and why they abandoned her like they did. "Please." She said making Braxton smile.

When Seraphina left with Carlisle, Braxton sat down and sighed. Emmett walked over and sat down beside him. "What's wrong?"

"Seraphina has been wanting to know about her family since she started growing up. She doesn't believe that her last name is Nichols. I wonder who they are now after seeing her heal that fast." Braxton said as he leaned his head against the wall. "She's my world now, Em and I don't want want anything happening to her."

Emmett smiled. "I won't let anything happen to her." He tells his nephew. "She's family now."

Braxton looked towards Seraphina and Carlisle as the two were talking. He smiled as he nodded. "She is family."
After Seraphina left, Carlisle had called a meeting. "I know we have Bella trying to get answers, but I want you all to know that Seraphina is now family. If Esme agrees, we can adopt Seraphina as our own."

"I would love that more than anything. Seraphina is the sweetest and the most loving person I have ever met." She tells them. Esme looked at Braxton. "You have a wonderful mate, Braxton and I hate that the poor girl lives by herself at such a young age. So I would love to have her here."

Braxton smiled. "There's also something else." Carlisle said getting everyone's attention. "I believe that Seraphina has a gift to heal or her bond with Braxton is causing her to not be harmed. Unless she's not fully human."

Everyone nodded as Braxton was in deep thought. Edward walked over and sat beside him. "We will figure out what your mate is and who her family is." Edward said. "You have a wonderful mate on your hands, Braxton. Don't let her go."

"I wasn't planning to." He said as he left to go see Seraphina, but chose to let Esme and Carlisle surprise her with the adoption. Braxton hopes that she accepts the idea of the adoption. When he arrived, Seraphina turned around and walked over to him.

They just stared at one another before their lips connected. Braxton held her close as Seraphina jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. He pushed her against the wall as he wanted the dominance. Braxton rushed them upstairs and laid her down. He pulled away so Seraphina can take his shirt off of him. Braxton ripped her shirt than unbuttoned her jeans.

Seraphina closed her eyes as Braxton trailed kisses down her stomach. She grabbed his head and brought him back up to her to kiss him. Braxton looked at her for approval making her nod. That night brought them closer.

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