13. Halloween

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Liam's POV

Today was the day of the halloween party, and i have still decided that i have to get rid of Justin, For the sake of our future relationship. He is going to ruin everything. I can't let him.

I put on my "costume". I didn't have time to worry about actually dressing up. Im wearing all black with a red belt and some vampire teeth. It's nothing much but i wouldn't fit in if i wasn't wearing a costume.

I have to do this. He's going to mess everything up just because he can't mind his own business.

My phone beeps to alarm me that i'm gonna be late to the party. I throw on my shoes and speed walk out the door.

I wasn't scared, just nervous on how i'm gonna kill him in place full of people. I'm thinking i'll lure him away from everybody, saying that we need to talk and then i'll stab him with a knife that i can get from the kitchen.

I'm so mad that Justin is gonna take up mostly my whole night, and i won't even have much chances to talk to Isabella. But in the end this will help my chances with Isabella. Would she want to date a convicted murderer..?

I entered the house. It's nice, very huge. I mean they said the whole campus was invited.

I took the time to look around the kitchen for a nice knife to use later. I grabbed one and hid it for later on. Now i have a few minutes to find and talk to Isabella before i have to kill Justin.

I don't know where he is, but i'll find him. Trust me i will.

I see Isabella laughing. And talking to.. a guy. A fucking guy. Okay. I need to calm downl i can't cause a scene on the night that i'm about to murder somebody.

I walk up to them.

"Hey." I say with a fake smile but trust me, I've done enough lying to know that it looks genuine.

"Hey liam! I'm so happy that you came. This is my friend Nate." She says in a sweet laugh.

I smile at the both of them and introduce myself to "Nate"

Nate sounds like the name of a guy thats about to die soon..

Stop i can't do these things. Isabella belongs with me, she belongs to me. She'll see that soon enough and forget all about this Nate guy.

After about 10 minutes of talking you can tell, It's so obvious that he's into her. I roll my eyes at his desperate attempts at flirting. As i do so i see Justin running upstairs. I almost forgot. I guess now would be a good time.

"I'm gonna go do a tour of the house, see you later?" I say with a real smile.

She nods, while i start walking towards where Justin went.

Surprisingly there's no people up here. I can't seem to find him but as i walk past a door i hear vomiting. I slightly crack the door open. Sure enough there he was, Justin, drunk, and leaning over the toilet seat.

He back on the floor and turns to see me.

"Hey! Liam. Here to kill me like you did alex." He laughs while his words slur. "Chill out bro, im just joking" he says.

"You're gonna wish you were." I smile as i walk inside locking the door behind me.

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