Training II: Elemental Affinities

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Kakashi handed the two genin a piece of chakra paper.

'Now, infuse your chakra in it...' Kakashi said, as the genin's papers started changing.

Training II: Elemental Affinities

Sasuke grinned. 'I'm going to beat you, dobe.'

'Really, teme?' Naruto asked, grinning at his results.

Kakashi's mouth dropped open.

Naruto's paper had split into seven pieces. One of the pieces had crumbled into dust, three of the parts had split again, then became wet, two of them burned, and one of them wrinkled.

Sasuke's paper, on the other hand, had wrinkled first, then half of it was burned, while the other half split into 2. One of them crumbled and the other one had become wet.

'Wow. You both have all five elemental affinities.' Kakashi said in shock.

Naruto and Sasuke pumped the air.

'We both got all of them?' They said in unison, facing each other.

'Yes.' Kakashi said. 'It's great right, my cute little genin?'

'YEAH!' Naruto and Sasuke whooped.

'Who knew the teme wasn't actually full emo?' Naruto asked.

'And who knew the dobe actually could pay attention.' Sasuke said. 'Hey, I bet you could beat Sakura anytime.'

'Yeah.' Naruto said. 'I don't think I want Sakura to be my girlfriend anymore.'

'And the dobe sees the light.' Sasuke said, and the two genin laughed.

'It's good that you're getting along. Finally.' Kakashi said. 



'WHAT JUST HAPPENED?' Everyone's least favourite pink banshee screamed, finally awake.

'You missed the awesome exercise, 'ttebayo. Me and Sasuke got the highest scores!' Naruto cheered.

'Hn.' Sasuke said, smirking smugly.

'LET ME TRY!' Sakura screeched.

'CHA! I'll impress Sasuke-kun with the scores I get for this dumb thing! I even bet I'll do better than Naruto-baka!' Inner Sakura screamed with Sakura in the banshee's mind.

Sakura held the paper, as she infused chakra. 'CHA!'

A tiny corner of the chakra paper crumbled but the rest of the paper stayed as it was.

'HUH?' Sakura asked.

'You have a very weak Earth affinity.' Kakashi said. 'Naruto and Sasuke have all the affinities, and you have a weak Earth Release.'


'Hn.' Sasuke said.

'Anyways, my cute little genin, it is time to start training in chakra control! Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, I assume that you have finished the water walking exercise?' Kakashi said.

'Hn.' Sasuke nodded.

'Of course I did it with Ero-sennin (Pervy Sage), dattebayo!' Naruto said.

'I did it.' Sakura said. 'NARUTO-BAKA, WHO IS PERVY SAGE?'

'It's Jiraiya, Jiji's student.' Naruto said cheerfully.

Sasuke's eyes widened, and Sakura punched Naruto again.

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