The Heaven Scroll

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Three senbon-shaped droplets of water flew towards Team 7 from three different directions, the Konohagakure genin team instinctively entering a triangular formation.

Sasuke swiftly raised his dual swords to block the water, which exploded upon impact. Activating his three-tomoe Sharingan, the Last Loyal Uchiha's eyes blazed red with fury, the bloodshot red reflected on the metal of his sword. Sasuke turned his head to see Naruto blocking the blow with his forearm and Ino taking the hit straight on.

Tsunade's apprentice's hand glowed with green chakra, the bruises from the Suiton attack fading away as soon as the specialised chakra made contact with the wound.

'So, one of the Seven Swords of the Mist, huh? And isn't that a Sharingan?' The first enemy shinobi mused, leaping out of the shadows. His two teammates followed suit. 'Goji, Datsuji, let's beat them up, take the guy's sword and eyes, and get their scroll. Gaara-sama will be so delighted to hear that we procured the Sharingan for Sunagakure!'

'Yes, Sunarashi!' Goji and Datsuji saluted their leader.

'Tch. Those attacks were useless.' Sasuke taunted, his blades prepared for incoming attacks. Kiba bared its fangs like a wild panther ready to pounce, sparks beginning to flicker on the metal.

'Really? Then take a look at this!' Sunarashi roared, unsealing a battle fan from his scroll. His teammates each took out their own weapons, a tanto and a spear respectively. Entering battle stances, the Sunagakure team prepared to assault their targets.

Eyes trained on his opponents, Naruto began forming the hand seals for a Suiton ninjutsu. 'Sasuke! Let's go! Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Water Trumpet)!'

'Chidori Eiso (Chidori Sharp Spear)!' Sasuke said, releasing a stream of lightning from his hand. The lightning collided with the water, forming a beam of electrified water.

'Goji! Datsuji!' Sunarashi barked, his teammates moving to cover him.

'Doton: Doryuheki (Earth Style: Mud Wall)!' The two Sunagakure shinobi roared, setting up two earth walls in front of them. Seeing the beam of lightning piercing the first earth wall, the genin team swiftly moved away, the water-lightning combo obliterating their defenses. In no ways were the dual mud walls similar to the Rashomon other than the fact that they were walls meant for defensive purposes.

'Surrender your scroll, and we won't attack you any further.' Sasuke offered proudly, pointing one of his swords at his enemy.

'Very well. You win.' Sunarashi said, nodding grimly. He walked over to Sasuke with his hands up, battle fan sealed in his scroll. Sasuke's outstretched palm welcomed the scroll that he was about to hand over, the Uchiha's face displaying no emotion. 'Never mind.'

Sasuke's open hand quickly flew to the second sword he had stashed in his pocket a few seconds ago, holding it up to block a blow from Sunarashi's battle fan. The kanji on the seal on the Sunagakure shinobi's wrist disappeared, signalling that the item inside had been unsealed.

'Not bad, but you're not getting our scroll that easily.' Sunarashi grunted, pushing his battle fan harder against Sasuke's dual swords. The sound of metal clanging in collision resonated across the battlefield, signalling the beginning of a battle.

Infusing more lightning chakra into his sword, Sasuke began feeling a small tingle from his shoulder. The Uchiha, too battle-focused, ignored the small sensation of power coursing through his veins, overpowering Sunarashi's attack.

The Sunagakure ninja leapt back, swinging his battle fan at Sasuke and his team. Strong winds slapped the faces of Team 7, Sasuke beginning a sequence of hand seals.

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