Shikamaru's Exam

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Team 7 lined up with the many other genin attempting the Chunin Exams. Sasuke could see Choji moaning and Sakura glaring at Ino, something that he strangely couldn't accept. Naruto groaned loudly, complaining about the long wait, while Sasuke wore his usual calm, cool, and collected look, and crossed his arms, back to the wall.

Before long, some Konoha jounin called the teams towards them to sort them into rooms. Sasuke, Naruto, and Ino shared a glance.

'Alright.' Sasuke said. 'This is gonna be somewhat like Ibiki's test. Just remember, work together.'

'Got it, dattebayo!' Naruto exclaimed excitedly, ready for the exam.

'Oh yeah. Shikamaru's the proctor for the first exam.' Ino said. 'If needed, I can communicate with you guys. Alright?'

Team 7 nodded, as they walked up to the jônin to assign them to their rooms.


Sasuke sat in his desk, thinking about the Chunin Exams. He was stationed in Room 2, Ino in Room 3, and Naruto in Room 1. Suddenly, as an announcement blared from the speakers placed in the room.

'Attention Genin. I am Shikamaru Nara, and this is a drag.' Shikamaru announced, groaning. 'Now, I'm just gonna explain the test, then go to sleep. There are 3 questions on your test paper. Each member does one question to get the amount of points each question is worth. The scores of the three members are added to make the score of the team. If any teams get a score that is higher or lower than 100, their team fails. Without further ado, start.'

Sasuke flipped his paper over.

'Choose and answer any one of the following three questions.

(For 30 points) While protecting a VIP, which position of the formation should the target to be protected generally be placed in? Choose from the following. 

A) The front
B) The centre
C) The tail end

(For 40 points) While facing an opponent possessing change in nature of fire and lightning, choose the ninjutsu attribute one can expect the best effect from from the following options.

A) Wind style
B) Earth style
C) Water style

(For 50 points) In a local battle, illustrate the merits and demerits in the case of attacking from high ground.' Sasuke read.

Sasuke smirked. These questions were easy, but then came the hard part. How would they decide who did which part, and how would they compensate with Naruto's weakness of written tests? Then the answer came to him.

'Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun. Hey!' Ino said telepathically. 'Soooo... Who's doing which question?'

'I'm doing the 40 point question, dattebayo!' Naruto communicated. 'I know the answer!'

'Alright, dobe.' Sasuke said, ignoring the noises of people hitting walls from the other rooms. 'Then me and Ino will do the 30 point question.'

'Agreed.' Ino and Naruto said, as they began answering their questions.


Sasuke wrote the last Japanese character on his sheet of paper, a triumphant smirk on his face.

'I'm done.' He said, as he waited for Ino and Naruto to respond.

'I'm all done.' Ino replied.

'This is so hard! I don't know....' Naruto groaned, the frustration he felt evident in his voice.

'Ino, tell him the answer.' Sasuke instructed.

'Alright, Sasuke-kun!' Ino said, as Sasuke disconnected.

'Sasuke-kun!' Another voice shrieked.

Sasuke facepalmed as the pink haired banshee approached him.

'Hey, Sasuke-kun! Ditch INO-PIG AND NARUTO-BAKA and join me!' Sakura said, pissing Sasuke off.

'Shut up.' Sasuke said.

'Aw, Sasuke-kun, are you alright? Is it because you're missing me?' Sakura asked, trying to seduce Sasuke, but to no avail.

Sasuke took his paper and walked to the wall, punching it with his fists. 'This is so annoying.'

'But, Sasuke-kun! Don't leave me!' Sakura shouted, causing everyone in the room to flinch at her loud and annoying voice.

'Leave me alone, you annoyance.' Sasuke thought, gritting his teeth.

Fortunately for the raven-haired Uchiha, Shikamaru saved him.

'Alright, we're starting the second part of the First Stage.' Shikamaru said, yawning. 'Write the answer to the question I ask on the back of the page within 3 minutes. Who would you choose as a decoy if your team is surrounded?'

Sasuke smiled, as he remembered all about his team's first attempt at the Chunin Exams, and the answer to the 10th question.

'This is easy.' Ino's voice buzzed in Sasuke's mind. 'Nobody.'

'Yeah, nobody!' Naruto transmitted.

'So let's just leave it blank.' Sasuke said. 'Oh yeah. Pink trash is in the same room as me.'

'Too bad, teme!' Naruto said, laughing. 'Neji is with me, and he and another Sunagakure dude are arguing and hitting walls.'

'Too bad, your ears must be experiencing a living hell, dobe.' Sasuke retorted to Naruto.

'Hey, teme!' Naruto complained.

Sasuke just growled, as he prepared for the test to end. Unfortunately, time seemed to slow down.

'Oh, Sasuke-kun, won't you go out with me? There's nothing good about Naruto-baka, or Ino-pig!' Sakura said, leaning towards Sasuke.

Sasuke resisted the urge to kick Sakura away, because he didn't want to get disqualified and let down his team.

'Get off me. NOW.' Sasuke said, preparing to weave handseals for a Chidori.

'Come on, Sasuke-kun...' Sakura said.

Lightning shrouded Sasuke's hands, as Sakura narrowed her eyes and walked backwards, afraid of a Chidori. Unbeknownst to her, Sasuke was only bluffing, and stopping her from harassing him. Sasuke growled in a low voice. Sasuke stopped his Chidori, and Sakura rushed at Sasuke again, arms outstretched.

'Get away from me, pink trash.' Sasuke said, as he prepared another Chidori to ward off the civilian-born ninja.

'Sakura, get off Sasuke.' Tenten said, walking to Sakura.

Shino followed, releasing his bugs towards Sakura.

'Thanks.' Sasuke muttered, before he went back to doing nothing at his table.

'Hey! How dare you stop me from getting to my Sasuke-kun!' Sakura yelped. 'NOOOOOOOOO!'

Smirking, Sasuke added another 'Hn' as the test came to a close.


A buzzer beeped, as Shikamaru smiled from the remote room he was in.

'The test has concluded, it was very troublesome. Some jonin will be coming in to take your worksheets.' Shikamaru said in an uninterested tone, irritating many participants. 'The correct answer to the second part was nothing, so you should have left it blank.'

Sasuke inwardly pumped his fist, as Shikamaru continued talking.

'If you were correct in the second part, come outside.' Shikamaru said. 'To the rest of you, goodbye, time to go home.'

Sasuke excitedly walked out of the room, ready for what would await him.

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