Raiga Kurosuki: Wielder of the Thunder Fang

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'So this is the Katabami Gold Mine.' Naruto said, looking around.

'That's right.' Kakashi said.

The Konoha team had already settled down earlier outside the Mine at Shichikin's safe house, and entered the village.

'Halt. State your purpose and name.' A man wearing a hood said. 'Wait. You are Konoha ninja, who Raiga-sama has given a kill on sight order for.'

'Really?' Sasuke asked. 'Raiton: Raimei (Lightning Style: Thunder Roar)!'

The guard's eardrums hurt, as he toppled to the ground.

'Let's go.' Kakashi whispered.

The Konoha ninja snuck into the village, ready to battle.

'Kakashi-sensei, what's the plan?' Sakura asked.

'Well, we'll ambush Raiga, then I'll battle him. You guys can handle his henchmen. Sasuke and Naruto may assist me whenever I need assistance.' Kakashi said. 'It can't happen like Nami no Kuni this time. Follow me.'

'Well well well. What do we have here.' Raiga's voice boomed. 'Petty Konoha ninja. Kurosuki Group!'

Ten ninja crowded over to the Konoha team, ready to fight.

'Kurosuki Raiga.' Kakashi said.

'Hatake Kakashi. What an honour to meet you. And it will be an even bigger honour to hold your funeral.' Raiga grinned sadistically, Kiba in his hands. 'Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist)!'

A thick mist arose into the air, blocking the view of the Konoha ninja. Raiga smiled, then held up his blades.

'Ino, use your sensory jutsu to locate the enemies!' Kakashi ordered. 'Sasuke, Sharingan on. Naruto, try to find the enemies.'

The Konoha Jonin pulled up his headband, a Sharingan flaring in his left eye.

'Raikyu (Lightning Ball)!' Raiga roared, creating floating orbs of lightning in the air.

The lightning balls launched themselves at Naruto, Sasuke, Ino, and Sakura. Quickly dodging, Sasuke and Naruto prepared their ninjutsu.

'Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone)!' Naruto said, making hundreds of clones.

'Raiton: Denryu (Lightning Style: Lightning Current)!' Sasuke tried his new ninjutsu, shooting a beam of lightning at Raiga's looneys.

'I'll fight Raiga! Go fight Raiga's henchmen!' Kakashi commanded sternly, as he prepared to fight Raiga.


'Raiton: Bakurai (Lightning Style: Depth Charge)!' Raiga roared, focused on his fight with Kakashi.

'Raiton: Bakurai!' Kakashi returned, copying the hand seals perfectly.

The two ninja leaped at each other, trying to land a single hit. Kakashi quickly grabbed a kunai knife, lightning surrounding the kunai. Kakashi threw the kunai where Raiga would approach next, channeling his chakra into the kunai. Raiga hit the kunai, lightning crackling through his body.

'Caught you.' Kakashi said.

Lightning coursed through Raiga's body, Kakashi's chakra disrupting Raiga's. Raiga grinned.

'I FEEL BETTER THAN EVER!' Raiga roared, gripping Kiba tightly. 'I'VE NEVER HAD A FIGHT LIKE THIS SINCE I LEFT KIRIGAKURE! RAITON: RAIGA (Lightning Style: Lightning Fang)!'

Lightning enveloped Kiba as Raiga pounced at Kakashi.

'SUITON: SUIDAN (Water Style: Water Bullet)!' Raiga shot a burst of water at Kakashi, the liquid combining with the lightning.

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