Suiton Training

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Uchiha Sasuke stood in the field outside the place they were staying at. They had retreated on their mission 2 days ago, thanks to Kakashi, Ino, and his chakra exhaustion, as well as Sakura being useless as always.

'What are we learning today, dattebayo!' Naruto asked excitedly.

'Today we're training in Suiton, or Water Style Ninjutsu. Ino, Sasuke, and Naruto all have a Suiton affinity, so we can learn it. For Sakura, it will be harder, but it'll be fine.' Kakashi explained. 'Suiton is very useful for defence and support, as you can block the opponent's senses, like Raiga did with his Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist), as well as make useful walls.'

'That sounds so useless though. I easily got through the wall with my Shuriken Kage Bunshin (Shuriken Shadow Clone) Jutsu.' Naruto said, his hands crossed.

'SHUT UP NARUTO-BAKA!' Sakura punched Naruto.

'Seriously forehead, do you abuse your teammates like that? Cause I don't abuse Shikamaru and Choji, unless I have a good reason. Unlike you.' Ino said, disgusted by Sakura's rude actions.

'No way I abuse MY Sasuke-kun!' Sakura said, and Sasuke growled at being treated like a belonging.

'How about Naruto?' Ino asked.

'Umm....' Sakura replied, not knowing what to say.

'Wow, Ino can stand up to Sakura. I wish I could do that.' Sasuke thought.

'Anyways my cute little genin, let's start training!' Kakashi said.

'Aw, fine...' Naruto complained.

'Hn.' Sasuke smirked, excited for more training. 'Let's do this.'

'Yeah!' Ino cheered.

'It's time to impress Sasuke-kun!' Sakura thought.

'Ok. The first jutsu we'll be learning is Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Bullet).' Kakashi said. 'Naruto, Sasuke, you already know how to train easier.'

'Kakashi-sensei, how can I learn jutsu faster? I need to be stronger. I don't want the next battle to end like the last one.' Ino asked.

'Well, I'll let my Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone) teach you, cause I thought of a way using your Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind Transfer).' Kakashi said.

'Thanks, Kakashi-sensei!' Ino exclaimed, excited to get a personal method on learning more ninjutsu.

'How about me, Kakashi-sensei?' Sakura asked in her best "cute" tone, but it was despicable.

'Sorry, Sakura, you don't have any shortcuts. You're a civilian born, you don't have any special jutsu, hiden, or Kekkei Genkai, so you need to learn ninjutsu the hard way.' Kakashi said.

Sakura growled at "Naruto-baka" and "Ino-pig" getting shortcuts while she couldn't impress "her Sasuke-kun".


Ino smiled.

'Ok. I'll give this a shot. Shintenshin no Jutsu!' Ino made a special hand seal, and fired it at Kakashi's clone.

'Shintenshin success.' Ino thought, inside Kakashi's body.

'Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu!' Ino said inside Kakashi's body, shooting out a bullet of water. 'Release!'

Ino's consciousness drifted back to her original body, smiling. 'Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu!'

The water bullet that Ino made was good, though not as good as Kakashi's.

'This way works! You're a genius, Kakashi-sensei, thanks! I only need a bit more practice before I master this!' Ino exclaimed.


Sasuke and Naruto glared at each other.

'I'm gonna win you, teme!' Naruto challenged.

'Really? Think again, dobe. Hn.' Sasuke returned. 'Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu!'

'Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu!' Naruto released his water bullet.

Sasuke and Naruto's bullets collided, both of them disappearing.

'Good job, my cute little genin!' Kakashi said, clapping his hands. 'Both of you performed the technique correctly! Now, here's the scroll for the last three jutsu of the day: Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Raging Waves), Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Water Trumpet), and Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Style: Water Wall).'

'Alright!' Naruto cheered.

'Hn.' Sasuke smirked.

'Anyways, I need to go help Ino with the new jutsu and Sakura with the first jutsu. See you!' Kakashi said, waving to the two genin and performing his famous eye smile.

Kakashi Shunshinned (Body Flicker) away, leaving Naruto and Sasuke glaring at each other.


'That was such an exciting battle.' Raiga said. 'I lost many of my pawns, but no matter. I need to practice and defeat Hatake Kakashi next time. I heard that he beat Zabuza a while ago.'

Raiga cackled, holding his swords up.

'Next time, I'll be prepared. And I'll beat Hatake for sure.' Raiga said, smiling. 'Prepare our forces. We're going to battle some Konoha pests.'


Tsunade unsealed the scroll Kakashi sent her.

'Ah. Mizuki as well as Gantetsu and Choseki from Iwagakure are captured and stored in this scroll? Kakashi did well. I'll need to deliver these three to Hozuki Castle. The Konoha Prison has terrible security.' Tsunade said. 'Kakashi needs a few more days? Well that's unexpected. SHIZUNE!'

'Yes, Tsunade-sama?' Shizune asked, entering the room.

'Ask Shikamaru, Choji, and Team Gai to deliver this scroll to Hozuki Castle. Tell them to unseal the scroll inside Hozuki Castle.' Tsunade ordered.

'Yes, Tsunade-sama.' Shizune said.

'Oh yeah. Inform Shichikin that Team 7's mission is going to take a bit more time.' Tsunade said.

'Ok, Hokage-sama.' Shizune said, as she went to deliver the information, mission, and scroll.

'Wait. I still have paperwork? OH CRAP.' Tsunade groaned, as she started filing out papers and signing contracts.


Kakashi smiled. His team had completed the training in the 4 Suiton Ninjutsu except Sakura, who wasted all her chakra on failed attempts, as she was a civilian born ninja.

'Anyways my cute little genin, let's work on taijutsu and genjutsu training. Ino, Sasuke, you guys should learn some genjutsu, especially with your Sharingan and your good chakra control. I'll get you guys some lessons from Kurenai when we get back, but for now, here's a scroll on some simple genjutsu.' Kakashi said. 'Naruto, Sakura, Ino, here's some taijutsu for you to learn. Ino and Sakura need to learn some taijutsu as you are weak in it, and have disadvantages in close range combat, while taijutsu would work really well with Naruto's Kage Bunshin. Here are some scrolls. Let's start!'

Kakashi tossed some scrolls to his squad and smiled. As the genin went to learn new jutsu, Kakashi pulled out a certain orange book by Jiraiya and started giggling.

'Oh Hana-chan, you're so naughty...'

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