Yo Stark

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"Yo Stark we got something looking like an atomic bomb headed for earth, can you get on that" Fury speaks over the intercom in Tony starks suit, he flies out to where contact was made to see a body imprint but no person. Soon enough sheild shows up and are equally as confused, but with the impending civil war Tony knows he must find this person, anyone with the power of an atomic bomb who can survive a fall from space, must be something else.

Your POV

Ribs where broken but aside from that you felt pretty good, you know as good as you can falling from space. You had finally done it though, escaped your evil captures. At age 5 I was kidnapped and brought onto a spaceship by people known as ravengers, they raised me as a engineer when they found out how smart I was. I used to hide out in their labs and play around with chemicals, so naturally I have become quite the science head. The leader of the group I was with was called Yondu, a built blue man with an arrow that he could whip around, slicing peoples souls, both literally and metaphorically. There was another human on my ship, called Peter, Peter Quill. He always left and then got dragged back after trying to steal bounty. He liked me and always tried to bring me with him, but Yondu also liked me and would never let him. So eventually I spent all my time locked away in a lab. Although one time on my birthday when I turned 10 he found an old piano on a planet and let me fix it up in my lab, I taught myself how to play with the little music I could get my hands on. To this day the piano is still my favourite thing to do.

Not many people can fall from space and survive, but you see I'm a bit different, I have these powers, things most people cannot comprehend as they have no reasoning behind them. No complicated back story, I just have them. I can manipulate and even create the elements with my hands, pretty cool right. I also built myself a suit up there, it's not very complicated, just a black body suit with gold features and a mask that coveres my face but leaves my hair out. I occasionally had some missions on the ship, usually hit jobs with Peter, I mean we did them or we died, but the only person who knows about my powers is Peter, he has become a brother figure to me and always brings me presents when he visits. But now I suppose I will never see him again.

But anyways hi, my names (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm just a kid, 15 years old and currently wandering the streets of Brooklyn searching for my parents. You come to their house only to find another family living there. You remember the fun you had here just you and your mum and step dad. She never would tell me who my biological dad was, but I never really cared because Nick was as good as a dad as any. He would spoil me rotten with gifts, even when we had no money. I walk up to the door preparing myself for the inevitable, "Yes dear, may I help you" said a tired looking woman with a baby on her hip "Erm I was wondering if you know anything about the previous owners of this house, Angie and Nick (L/N)" "Oh I'm sorry dear but they where victims of the New York attack" "New York attack?" You questioned. "What have you been on the moon or something" "You have no idea" I said solemnly before thanksing her and leaving. I managed to find a crappy motel, that I could afford with the little money I had and settled in for the night, buying a cheap outfit aswell so I didn't look odd.

Little do you know there is two teams of superheroes desperately trying to track you down and bring you in to help them fight the other. Also across the street from you there was a security camera, being scanned into Starks hard drive, popping up on his radar. But next to that camera there was a man wearing a cap and sunglasses headed straight to your door.

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