Nice to Meet you

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I got out of the helicopter into a small jet, it was very lavish and spacious on the inside though. No one spoke to me so I just sat down and put in my ear phones, I had an old one of Peters Zoons with all the best music on. Quite a few hours later and a nap you arrive at stark tower, it was massive and gleaming in the early morning sun. A tall ginger blonde woman approached you quickly, with a stern yet warm smile. "Hello you must be (Y/n), I am Pepper Potts nice to meet you" she put forward her hand for me to shake and I took it. Later you find out that her and Tony are 'A thing' and slowly settle into your new family. You get much closer to Tony and Pepper, though Pepper is not over much because of business meetings. Tony's new favourite thing is to say he's a stay at home dad to the press, when they ask what he's up to. He has really stepped into the roll of a father and you have gotten really close, it's been quite a few months now and you have formed a little family. He decided to go public with you as he decided you can defend yourself and he doesn't want to hide you.

Beep beep beep beep beep "Shut up Friday" I yell know where in particular. "Miss Stark I am afraid I cannot do that your father wishes to speak to you downstairs" "Buts it's 5 am for gods sake, can you just go away" "Sorry Miss Stark, for the 324th time I cannot 'go away'. Suddenly you get a phone call you pick it up neglecting who it is "(y/n)" your dad yells down the phone "Sorry wrong number" you say before quickly dropping the phone and pulling yourself out of bed. You walk over to your door, hitting a button next to it. A slide then opens up on your floor leading directly to your lab, which is next door to your dads so only a short walk. When you arrive you see him working on something, a suit. "(Y/n), wonderful for you to join me" he said sarcastically "What do you want, it's Monday morning" "I have a mission for you" your ears perk up at this, you have had a few missions, drug rings and terrorists. Mainly assisting the FBI, but a mission is a mission. "Your going to school to keep an eye on someone" "Who?" I ask as if it's going to be someone dangerous "Spiderboy, I believe you attacked him with an earth monster about a year ago, his name is Peter Parker and recently started making his way into the news as The Spider-Man, I just need you to keep a tab on what he does, that's all" "So you want me to stalk him, in a school where everyone will know me, and I already got my PHD, was it?"I ask, I'm still getting used to some things, of course I already know a lot cause I did live on earth for five years but sometimes I forget. "Yes you will be above their working level, so just dumb it down a bit" "ugh" "hey it's a mission you will do, get ready and go by 7:30 it's called Midtown high and is in forest hills, to arrive in time" he stated "Can I drive myself?" I ask. I got a drivers liscence already even though I'm still 15 because dad pulled some strings, and when I proved I was an excellent driver they didn't hesitate to help out the Starks of course. I engineered my own car with an arc reactor engine that powers itself, it goes really fast and has loads of cool features, bulletproof of course and a gorgeous design, like a Lamborghini and white with golden features. I run upstairs to get ready quickly, I never went to a day of school in my life so I was kinda exited. I throw in a long sleeve black tight crop top, some cropped loose leg distressed grey jeans with a chain, a black backpack, black combat boots and a cropped unzipped red champion jacket. You pull your tight curly hair into a half up down and grab your glasses, they where round with a thin gold frame and you only needed them to look up close and reading.

You make your way to your car and unlock it using your eye scanner, your car has its own AI called Mark, he's Australian because who doesn't love an Aussie accent on the drive to Starbucks. "Mark, directions to Midtown High, Queens please" I ask politely, even though that is the opposite of how I was raised in space. "Midtown High, Queens 45 min drive" "Thanks Mark, sounding fineeeeeeeee as ever" "Thank you Miss Stark" I loved our morning banter, as I drove off to Midtown high.

I felt eyes on my car as I pulled into the parking lot, I had been allocated a space, although there where only a few cars, I noticed a train station over the road as I sat in my car setting up my tech. My hologram watch is the most high tech of its kind (the same as my dads) and I also have a necklace that is a tracker in case anything happens, I keep a bracelet on at all times which when pressed with my finger opens into my super suit. Oh and yeah those glasses I wear are also programmed, like my dads. They also have Mark in them, M.A.R.K technically. He stands for My Aussie Ravishing Kangaroo, I know right, genius. My windows where blacked out from the inside so I could see everyone but they couldn't see me. I instantly saw the Peter kid googiling at the car like most people. Well it's now or never I guess, now then let's make a good impression. I pressed the button that opened my car door to the side, it was a 4 seater with two seats hidden at the back, because let's be real, who likes two seater cars. And I stepped out.

Peter POV

There was a super cool car parked out front of school, I instantly thought of when Mr Stark recruited, maybe he was here now?, but why would he come her if he knows where I live, maybe it's for someone else. My spiral was cut off abruptly when a girl exited the car, she stepped out slowly and put her glasses on her head, she grabbed her bag and slung it over one shoulder. It was like she was moving in stow motion as she walked into the front door, the way her body moved was just, magical. I probably wouldn't have a chance with her anyways, providing if she can drive she's probably at least a junior, if not a senior. I was snapped out of my trance when I noticed, I along with every other kid around me was staring at this girl, even the other girls. I felt like I recognised her from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it. I walked inside and over to my locker to get my things when I noticed she was stood next to me at her locker, fiddling with the inside of the lock, it looked like she was sizing it up to add something too it but as I was about to say hi my bestie, Ned came up behind me. "Join me and together we will build my new Lego Death Star" he said waving an emperor palpatine figure in my face "cool how many pieces" Ned went to answer but was cut off.

Your POV

"Join me and together we will build my new Lego Death Star" a large boy said waving an emperor palpatine figure in Peters face "cool how many pieces" Peter said, The boy went to answer but was cut off when a group of girls stood near them started laughing, Peter went bright red and I couldn't help but smirk.

Peters POV

I realised I was just being a total dork infront of the new girl and felt like such an idiot. Then she sniggred, oh god she's making fun of me too, she was one of 'those' girls. "What's funny" Ned said accusingly to her, she looked shocked at this as she turned around, showing just how beautiful she really was, she also reminded me of someone, this was killing me and I prayed Ned would have just shut up. Ned likes to try and stand up to people when they don't know him, to make him seem tough, though it has never worked.

Your POV

"What's Funny" the other guy snapped, I felt shocked at this not expecting to be picked on as the new girl, then I realised I'm the new girl, he wants me to think he's above me ahhhhhhh. "I just find it amusing that those girls are too caught up in the petty social higherarchy that is the 'high school' to realise that micro engineering things from plastic will get you further in life then worrying about what lip gloss to wear tomorrow" I suddenly regretted my words, I was trying to fit in, shit. They both looked very shocked at this as I threw out my hand "I mean hi, I'm-" "(y/n) Stark, the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Thilanthrapist the second" "The what" I say retracting my hand after he shook it a little too hard. "OMG I am so sorry for snapping at you" He looks "It should make no difference as to the parents of the person on how you treat them" "I know I wasn't saying-" "Oh then what where you saying" he looked lost for words as Peter just stood next to him getting increasingly redder. The other guy started hyperventilating "Hey, it was a joke" I say looking at him again "Wait for real" "Yeah" I say as we laugh it off. "Well I better get going" I say picking up my things and walking towards the office after that awkward encounter. " N nice to meet y you" I hear Peter stutter quietly but pretend not to notice, my mission is to cheakup on this boy, not befriend him, but he seems like a sound kid, I don't know maybe I could pick up some friends along the way. "Later Peter" you say.

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