Are you happy now?

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Peter POV

I swung over to Stark tower later that night, to see (y/n) in her room surrounded by boxes and a piano, she was playing and singing and it sounded beautiful. (Listen to Open your heart to me, Birdy). He didn't recognise it so presumed she must have wrote it, she was very gifted. (A/n, there will be a few songs in here which we will pretend (y/n) wrote).

Your POV

You where sat in your room playing your piano, it reminded you of Quill, how you wish you could see him, it's been over three years and last you heard he ran off with a space assassin, a tree, a blue dude and a raccoon, yep sounds like quill. Although you did see him momentarily when he was captured before the mini war against Rohnan. All of your room is packed now, except you bed. Ready to be taken to the new facility in a few months you will move too.

Over the next few weeks I get very close with Ned and Peter, and even MJ and we become good friends, hanging out at Peters, watching movies and stuff, Peter seemed to like me, and I mean he's cute and nice so i suppose I liked him back, but I doubt he would ever ask me. I found out Ned also knows about Spider-Man, but today you where headed on a trip with the decathlon team, (you joined a few weeks ago). As you waited with Ned and MJ, and also Liz who you where sort of friends with now Peter ran up to you. He had quit the team a while ago to focus more in Spider-Man so why was he here. "Hey, it's Peter." Abe said " Guys." Peter nods, what was he up to, you noticed about a week ago at one of Lizes parties he disappeared really quick aswell. "Peter?" Liz asked "Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team." "No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone." Flash said as Mr Harington walked over "Hey, welcome back, Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternate." "What?" Flash asks "He's taking your place dumbass" I say, smiling at MJ as she walks up to us "Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so." "Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus." Mr Harington ushers is all on, Flash shrugs off his jacket and sullenly thrusts it into Peter's arms.

We where all practicing on the bus when Peter gets a phone call, "Hello?" Happy is talking on the phone in the Avengers Tower. Behind him, workers are carrying things. "Got a blip on my screen here. You left New York?" Happy asks "Tracker." Peter holds the phone away from his mouth and mutters. "Uh, yeah. No, it's just a school trip. It's, uh, it's nothing, (y/n) is here anyways". Peter sits in the back of the bus, next row to Ned. "Look, Happy, I gotta say, you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy." You overhear. You know something is up when you see a hologram, a stark hologram. You notice it's part of Peters suit they are using to track something. You pull up your laptop and begin accessing his files, you regularly update and add things to his suit, because you are the one your dad allocated the Job to. Someone has put up a firewall though, a quick decode but the loading would take a while. You arrive at the hotel and go to your room with MJ. She sits and reads a book bit interested in you ferociously typing code into your laptop.

Peter POV

"Erm Peter?" Ned asked sounding worried, "Yep", "Someone just broke the firewall and is accessing the suits functions, they just removed a couple hundred" "What" I say running over to the screen "Get them back" "I can't, the defence is to complex", "Stark" I mumbled. " I'll run a program to try and find out who is hacking it, in the meantime, who was that hero you where with in the bank, I mean who is Echo" "Echo?" I asked confused. "Well that's what everyone is calling her after this", he showed me the video of the energy waves. "Echo, see" beep we heard and looked over at the computer, "It says there on the same acces point as us, but there part of Stark network CEO circle, But that's Pepper Potts, and Tony Stark, wait do you think Tony Stark is here." Ned said exitedly. "So but a Stark is" I said marching to (y/n)'a room.

Your POV

Knock knock. "(Y/n) it's Peter can we talk". Shit. "Er yeah I'll be right out" I closed my laptop quickly and walked to the door. "Comeone" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the rooms to a garden area away from people. "Why are you tracking me" "What, I'm not tracking you" I say, lying. "Please, just be honest with me" he pleaded but I knew I couldn't tell him. "Peter I'm not" I say walking off as a web hits my arm pulling me so our faces are inches apart. "Tell me the truth, where you sent to this school to spy on me", "Spy, Babysit, something right?" I ask trying to move away but he pulls me back. "So Mr Stark doesn't trust me, I'll show him, I'll show you when I catch these guys." "What, the guys with the guns you went after at Lizes party" "H how did" "Camera". "WHAT" he yelled, "Do you even like me, as a friends or is that all fake aswell". "Of course I do Peter, I really like you I-" I begin. "Just stop", he begins to turn away, "Peter please, your like family to me", "FAMILY, what would you know about family" he said, and then realised what he had done.

Peter POV

"FAMILY, what would you know about family" I said, realising what I had done, how could I be so insensitive, of course she didn't because she lost everything and now I have gone and rubbed that in her face, I see a single tear roll down her face. "(Y/n) I didn't mean I-" I began but she cut me off.

Your POV

"No I think you meant every word, Peter Parker. What would I know about family, and I understand you lost people in your life but you aren't the only one, here look" I pulled out my phone still sadder then ever and disabled all the safety protocols on his suit, "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW, Go fight your bad guys, proove yourself, be a hero, and you know what" I said more and more tear flooding down my face. "I'll be with My family, so don't expect me to wait up, family isn't blood Peter, family you can choose, and obviously I fell short, so I'm sorry if me bieng sent to look out for you makes you mad, but I was doing my job, you should know" I said, turning to walk off and leaving him sad and alone and I didn't give a shit, he deserved it. I slid in my earphones and walked off.

Later that night Liz knocked on my door and asked if we wanted to go to the pool for a rebellious group activity, and hell I need something to cheer me up. As I walked out with MJ in my slightly slinky black bikini, I bumped into Parker, clearly going in his mission. "Parker" I said coldly and brushed past him. "What was that about?" MJ asked, "Don't ask" it pained me to be so cold to him but he upset me and I couldn't just forgive him, even with those gorgeous brown eyes.

Peter POV

I was suited up on the roof and looked over to see (Y/n) in the pool splashing around with Liz and MJ. She looked so good in that bikini and so beautiful, I wished I could tell her how I felt but I knew she would never feel the same, especially after how much of a dick I was earlier. Oh well I felt as I went off to Maryland, all i could do now was focus on the mission.

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