It's not working out

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Your POV

I flew with my dad to where Peter was sat on the shore looking out to the ferry. "Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch: I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." My dad said, I could tell this wasn't going to go well. So I backed off and went and sat a little bit further away. "Is everyone okay?" Peter sounded distraught "No thanks to you." Dad snapped back "No thanks to me?" Oh shit. Angered, Peter jumps off the edge and approached dad "Those weapons were out there, and I tried to tell you about it. But you didn't listen. None of this would've happened if you had just listened to me. If you even cared, you'd actually be here." The Iron Man suit opens, revealing Tony inside. He steps down from the suit and marches toward Peter, who backs off. "I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that (y/n) was the only one who believed in you, she managed to convince me of it too? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid." "I'm fifteen." He said but looked at me in a sad but thankful way. "No, this is where you zip it, all right? The adult is talking. What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience." "Yes, sir." He submitted to his dominance. " Yes." "I, I'm sorry." He stammered "Sorry doesn't cut it." He snapped back again. "I understand. I just wanted to be like you." He pleaded, I know he was bieng truthful but my dad was set on what was coming. "And I wanted you to be better. Okay, it's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back." I looked away unable to look at Peters shattered face. "For how long?" Oh poor naive Peter. "Forever." He said bluntly. Peter shakes his head with a shocked expression. "Yeah. Yeah, that's how it works." "No, no, no... Please, please, please..." a tear rolls down my cheek at the sound of his voice, dad noticed but carried on anyway. "Let's have it." "You don't understand. Please. This is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit." "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it. Okay? God, I sound like my dad, do I ever sound like that to you (y/n)?" I just stand up, the lone tear rolling down my face and fly away. "Shit, another thing that needs fixing" dad said. "I don't have any other clothes." Peter sniffled. "Okay, we'll sort that out.".

I flew back quickly and sat in my roof, watching the sunset over the trees. I heard the clang and my dads suit landed next to me and he stepped out. "Look, kiddo I'm sorry, but it needed to be done", "Why, to take away the one thing that makes him happy" dad sighed and sat next to me, "No, he needed to learn that his mistakes aren't just slip ups when lives are at stake, you understand?" I nodd and lean on his shoulder. "Hey I thought you and him where toast anyways, your friendship or whatever" "That's what makes it worse" I sunk further into him. Enjoying the moment till "You liked him didn't you?" "Yes" I say sadly remembering the good time's, the flour fight in his kitchen, Star Wars marathons and web shooting competitions. "Hey I feel ya, Pepps still angry with me" "Hey your Pepperony, you'll get through it" after a while I left to go to my new room and sit at my piano. I felt the urge just to sing so I began to play a song I wrote about me and Peter just after Washington, I would never tell anyone its about him, and my dad wouldn't figure it our because he doesn't understand modern terms for things. (Skinny Love by Birdy). I just played it over and over, crying into the keys as I did so till my fingers hurt and my tears stopped.

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