We Fight

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I put on my new suit, it was just some leather leggings and a black crop top with a long black leather jacket and rolled up sleeves, and a mask covering the bottom of my face (like The winter soldiers). My hair was down and it was a gorgeous (h/c) in tight curls as always. You see Cap and Stark face each other "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Stark she's obnoxiously to the similarly suited man next to him. "Definitely weird." The man said. "Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Cap reasoned "Captain." A man in a cat suit jumper over a truck to face them. "Your highness." Wait he's royalty, I'm about to fight a king, oh shit. "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Stark actually sounded sincere, I was happy they couldn't see me. "You're after the wrong guy." Cap said. "Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Stark shot straight back, I mean how long is this gonna go on for. "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." "Steve . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" I didn't recognise this woman but she was pretty. "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" A boy dressed as a spider swings over and grabs caps Sheild "Nice job, kid." He must be their recruit. "Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you." He waffled on. "I see you've been busy" cap said, "Well I'm not the only one am I" "what" "you think my suit doesn't have thermal imagery, I can see the girl stood over there, her heat is off the charts though" "(Y/N) get out here" I walked over slowly eying Stark as I did so " Wait so let me guess, the kid that fell from space or another phsycopathic soldier. As he said that I made a ring of fire burst around me and snarled. "Cap you dragged a kid into this, do you even know what you are fighting for" he asked in an accusatory voice "I know that you are wrong" with that ant man grew big and got caps sheild, he threw it back to him and the fight started, I followed the plan and proceeded to move to a parking deck to mess with them from a distance, when A web stuck to my back. He was quick at pulling be toward him, but I just dragged up the earth around me and made a giant earth, monster I guess you could say. It charged after him swiping him off his feet and into a wall, by now most of the Stark team noticed the giant monster and looked shocked, did she just make that? Wanda looked impressed as Cap looked up, Tony turned to him "What have you done" "I don't know" we continued to fight eventually they brought down my beast, giving me enough time to get to Cap and the others we where now heading to the hanger where the Quinnjet was waiting when a line was drawn across the road infront of us. I looked up to see a floating red dude, cool. "Captain Rodgers I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Tony's team arrives with this "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks "We fight." Cap said as I hold my head up high "This is gonna end well." The two teams stride towards each other with grim determination etched on their faces. "They're not stopping." Spider-Man yells to Tony "Neither are we." Everyone breaks into a sprint as me any Wanda fly over "Er Mr Stark, The girl can fly too" "Yeah, I can see that kid" Tony said with a sigh. Steve blocks a punch as Iron Man lands. Clint fires an arrow at Vision. War Machine flies after Falcon and Bucky trades blows with T'Challa. An explosive arrow hits Iron Man. Natasha throws Scott, as Peter swings through the air, struggling to evade vehicles projected by Wanda. Bucky lands punches on T'Challa, Clint and Natasha battle with batons. Clint pins her down with his bow. I manage to get to the entrance of the aircraft carrier as I see the tiny man turn giant as a distraction, Cap and Bucky come over, Wanda holds up a building from falling down and I help her out, untill Scott falls and the others figure out what's happening, Nat and T'Challa land and the other approach. You begin to walk towards the others knowing you won't make it out of this "Kid" yells Cap "I'll hold them off you go" "I can't let you do that kid" "Watch me" I crate a wall of ice between them and the others and salute with two fingers at him and run off. As I am I see people struggle to keep going. Suddenly Vision shoots down Rhodey and he begins falling at a drastic speed, Stark sptries to catch him but won't reach him in time. You have a moral war in your head and rush forwards making the air hold him up so he doesn't fall, just as he would hit the ground he stops mid air as I manage to stop him everyone looks at me as I scream from the pain, it's really hard to hold an object that heavy at such a speed. You fall to the floor and see Stark help Rhodey up, sirens approach as the others start to get taken into custody, Cap and Buck got away though. You see Stark begin to approach you so you make your fists flare up and stare him dead in the eyes.

"What's your name Kid?" He asks as I see the spider boy come up behind him. "My names Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die" "Ha very funny kid now what is it really, I'm trying to help you avoid jail here" "Alright, my names (y/n) (l/n), You killed my parents, prepare to die" "Wha-" he didn't get to finish as I was cuffed and taken in. We where flown into a high security prison and I was given a special cell that could withstand my powers. You had been there for a while when Stark entered (You know how that scene goes) on his way out he turns to me "You ok Kid" I ignore him and continue growing more and more flowers from my hands. "He leans on my cell to talk when Sam yells "Leave her alone Tony, she's just a kid" "Precicly" he yelled back, "She's my kid" "What" we all yell. "DNA test on your mask" he chucks it at me "I remember your mum, left me when she got pregnant with you, said I didn't have the attitude to be a father or something along the lines" "Anyway let's go" "What I say looking up at him" "Let's go, home" I look over to Sam and Clint who nod "Go kid, else you'll just be left to rot like the rest of us" Tony rolls his eyes. I walk over to Sams cell and scribble down a phone number, followed by: you ever need backup, you know who to call. He nodded and smiled "Comeone kid" I follow him solemnly to a chopper, he puts me in it then gets into another one. What, is, happening.

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