No place i would rather be

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Your POV

The look on his face was enough to make you want to cry, He realizes that the wing suit wasn't attacking him; instead, it was chopping down the pillars. Vulture flies off as it crumbles down, I place a sheild of energy around Peter. "Wait (y/n) no you can't do-" the building falls on you trapping you down, then everything went black.

Peter POV

My head was banging and I was stuck under the debris, still alive thanks to (y/n)'s sheild, WAIT (Y/N). I panics and takes off my mask, "Oh, god. Okay, ready?" I struggle to get up and fail. My on,y hope was to cry out now "Hello! Hello! Please. Hey, hey, please. I'm down here. I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. I can't..." I take a moment to catch my breath and look down at my reflection on a puddle. My mask in the puddle covers half the reflection, making it look as if I were wearing the Spider-Man mask on half his face, suddenly I thought back to the day with the ferry, and Mr Stark 'If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.' I shake my head knowing I am worth more then a suit, I have to find (y/n) and stop the vulture. "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!" Suddenly a huge ha d made of dirt reaches into the debris and pulled me up to the top of the mound, there it collapsed next to a badly injured (y/n). "(Y/N), are you ok", she looked up at me pain in her eyes "For having a building fal, in your head I'm pretty good" she flashes me that grin of hers I love and holds out her hand for me to help her up.

Your POV

Holy Shit that hurt, I was to busy holding up the forcefield around Peter to realise the metal bar crash into my back, I felt a large gash along my sholder blade but luckily he didn't he see. I scan the dark and spot Vulture perching on top of a stripped billboard. Then I see the plane with the last of our things take off from the tower. "Shit he's going for the avengers gear". Peter and I run over as Vulture begins to take off and Peter grabs my back, right where my cut is, "ouch" I say as he turns me around, his hand soaked in blood, "(y/n)-" "I'm ok let's just go" he grabs me once more and latches a web into vultures suit, he has flown almost all the way to the plane and he still hasn't realised. Vulture flies to the bottom of the plane and holds on. Peter and I bump into the plane a few times, but manages to grab onto it. "Oh, my god! Oh, my god!" Peter says looking down "shhh" I instruct. Vulture puts the matter phase shifter on the plane, creating a small rectangular window, and moves inside. Peter tries to follow Vulture, but loses his grip and almost falls off the plane but I catch his hand just in time. "Hey! Ah! Whew." He says relieved. Vulture walks to the front and rips out the door. The cockpit is empty. On the Outside camera, you can see a blown-up image of Spider-Man and Echo crawling down the plane but he missed that. We must have been caught the cloaking cameras. Peter approaches the wing suit and tries to open it. Vulture connects a device to the plane. Peter is still struggling to open the wing suit. Inside the plane, Vulture finds the boxes and takes off his mask. I enter slowly from behind him. "Hot dog." Vulture says. He opens one box after another. Rows and rows of Chitauri guns, arc reactors, etc. He takes out an Iron Man mask and throws it on the floor, you watch carefully ducking so he cannot see you, Peter kicks Vulture's wing suit and pushes it aside a bit. The air pressure inside the cabin drops, activating the alarm. Vulture checks an external monitor and realizes that Peter has followed him. But he fails to see you in the interior camera. He growls in anger. Vulture comes out and puts on his wing suit. Peter tries to hang onto the airplane. As I enter the cockpit, attempting to start re coding the coordinates again. "Just a typical homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet... Fighting my girlfriend's dad." You hear Peter say through his suit. Vulture comes at him and takes out panels right above his head. Peter shoots his web at Vulture. Peter is now suspended in air, one hand holding onto the web sticking to the plane, another hand holding onto the web glued to Vulture. The webs snap off and Peter is sucked in towards the engines. "Oh, god!" He shoots his web to stop the propellers. Vulture, who was also dragged to the engines, escapes death, but his wing suit is a bit damaged. Hanging onto propeller blades laced with spiderweb, Peter sighs in relief. "Whew. I can't believe that worked." "It didn't dumbass" I say my display flashing red, the propeller is about to-" Suddenly, the propeller falls off. Peter avoids the crisis by holding onto the plane and kicking the propeller off his body. Vulture flies back and attacks Peter. Peter avoids them, but Vulture keeps coming at him. The impact sets one of the engines on fire. Peter clings onto the side of the engine with a thin strand of web. The plane begins headed straight for the city. "Oh, my god." Peter says, "We gotta turn it i say, flying out and putting all my might into pushing it with a strong gale. Peter shoots his web at the right wing of the plane and pulls on it to help change the plane's direction . On the streets, passersby watch the plane flying overhead. Vulture tears open the ceiling and holds a box in his claws. "Please turn! Please turn!" I say to myself. The plane narrowly misses crashing into the city and heads toward Coney Island. Instead of escaping, Vulture tries to hold onto a box. Happy, who is sitting comfortably in a chair, jumps up. He looks out and sees Tony's plane flying straight at Coney Island.

The plane hits a ride and crash-lands on the beach of Coney Island. Peter and I lose our holds on the plane and roll down the beach. Everything is engulfed in flames. Peter slowly gets up and takes off his mask walking over to a very badly hurt you, you may have powers but you are not a super strong spider dude like him. My ears are ringing. He had just staggered over to me and helped me stand when, suddenly, Vulture flies toward us and attacks us. Sparks fly from Vulture's wings; it is clear that he has suffered some serious damage, too. He proceeds to attack Peter. As Peter shoots his webs, but misses and gets pinned to the ground like a bird of prey. He screams as Vulture grabs him tightly with his claws and rains down punches at him I grab his fist and pull him away, flipping him over and grabbing him down with earth, forcing strong winds down on him so he can't stand. Vulture manages to kick me over, loosing my concentration and picking my and

Peter up by his hood and my jacket, Vulture is holding Peter and I there, staring at our limp and drained bodies, when he spots a crate. He drops us and I crawl over the Peter, holding his head in my lap as he takes his goggles off, and grabs the crateful of arc reactors. Sparks rain down from his wing suit when he tries to lift the crate, but Vulture does not stop. "Your wing suit. Your wing suit's gonna explode!" I look up and warn him. Lifting his weary arm, Peter shoots a web at the crate and pulls with all his remaining strength. A tug of war begins, I latch on a vine and begin to pull him back too. "Time to go home, kids" he says, thinking he has won. "Were trying to save you!" Peter hell es after him, now sat up. Vulture cuts the web with his wing and my vine too, he then tries to fly off. Peter presses the button on his web shooter, but it doesn't work, and I try to reach out a vine but I look up to see the wing suit failing and cover mine and peters heads, pulling him into a ball on the floor, too weak to make a forcefield. Vulture drops to the ground along with his wing suit. An explosion consumes him.

"No." Peter says as he limps over to him. Peter struggles up and runs into the flames. He spots Toomes and tries to lift the wing suit off him, but screams as he makes contact with hot metal, I walk over and cool the suit down with water, putting out the flames on his body too. Together we find Toomes, and carry him away from the flames. Peter lays Toomes down on the beach. Wheezing and coughing from the smoke, Toomes looks up at me and Peter, who returns his gaze. I just look away, still masked, at the damage around us.

The flames have died out a little. A search party is scouring the beach. Happy finds Vulture tied to a pile of crates with spiderweb and vines. A note is attached beside him: "FOUND FLYING VULTURE GUY. SPIDER-MAN AND THE ECHO. P.S. SORRY ABOUT YOUR PLANE. P.P.S TEL, DAD I MIGHT BE LATE FOR TEA" Happy raises his head and looks around as if searching for someone in the eerie darkness. Fire engines pass by the Beach as Peter and I sit on top of an old ride looking out to the water. He closes his eyes and lays his head on my lap, getting comfy as he wriggled around. I didn't mind though. "I really do like you, (y/n) and I know I messed up before but I really care about you" I smile and start playing with the little curl of hair in the crook of his neck. "I like you too Peter" I smile to myself and he looks up, sitting up he stares me in the eyes and we move closer together. His lips crashed into mine, fitting flawlessly together like a jigsaw, his tounge stroked my mouth like infinite waves of affection crashing over me. We both pulled away slightly before looking into eachothers eyes, he once again rested his head in my lap, though this time he looked at me as I fell deeper into those baby brown's there was nowhere I would rather be.

Echo     A Peter Parker X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now