Not Her!

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Well lunch was weird, you thought, throwing away the rest of your lunch, I'm not very hungry anymore but I don't want to be attacked by Doppio telling me I'm not eating or some junk. Your next class after lunch was P.E., even though you had Volleyball today they still made you do P.E. :/

"Ah, Y/N-chan, you have P.E. next, right? So do I, let's go together."

"Getting comfy with my name already I see."

"Oh, did you not want me to call you that... hmm.... Ah! How about L/N-san?"

"TOO FORMAL! Y/N-chan is fine I suppose..."

"Great then let's get going or we'll be late, Y/N-chan."


(On the field)

"SOCCER BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I DOMINATE AT SOCCER!!!" You screeched to everyone on the field.

"Be fucking QUIET!" Someone shouted. You turned to them and gave them a grimace, WAIT?! "Do we have P.E. together today, Doppio?" You ask, turning your grimace to a confused face.

"Obviously yes, or else I wouldn't be here." He says coldly to you.

"Okayyy..." You say turning away, mocking him, "ObViOuSly YeS." You say with a small chuckle.

(Doppio's POV)

"SOCCER BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I DOMINATE AT SOCCER!!!" I saw my sister yell on the other side of the field.

"She's so loud." I turned to Diavolo who wasn't paying any attention. Why's he squinting at my sister all the time, what'd she do to him? Whatever.

"Be fucking QUIET!" I yelled. She turned to me, her aura growing dark, but then immediately evaporated when she saw me.

"Do we have P.E. together today, Doppio?" She asks.

How stupid is she? Of course she has P.E. with me that's why I'm here idiot, "Obviously yes, or else I wouldn't be here." I say a little more coldly than anticipated.

"Okayyy..." She said turning away. Did I hurt her feelings? Maybe I should apologize- "ObViOuSly YeS." She said, mocking me.

"That little SHIT!" I yell, someone then grabs me.

"Doppio this is a bad idea, I wouldn't hurt your sister. Maybe wait till you get home or something..." I got out of Diavolo's grasp and kicked a soccer ball right at her head really hard.

"WHAT THE HECK MAN!" She yelled at me.


What has our relationship come to? She's my beloved sister but lately I've been so irritable. I can't control myself, I want to protect her and make her feel safe, but I've been doing the exact opposite of that... What switched in me, why do I feel inferior to her? I'm the older brother! Not her!

"By a freaking MONTH! Who do you think you are?!?!"

We had gotten into a full fist fight when a teacher stopped us. While the boy that Y/N arrived with and Diavolo watched us fight like that meme that my sister sent me that one time, uhm it was.... that dog meme where he's in a room of fire going 'this is fine'. That was actually kinda funny. We were taken to the infirmary and then we were lectured by a teacher then sent home because of our injuries, mom came and picked us up.

"What have I told you about fighting?" My mother asked.

"To not do it." Me and my sister say in sync.


Nothing was said the rest of the walk home. When we got to the door my sister apologized.

"I'm sorry, I misbehaved, and caused trouble for you. And mother. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

I don't have the guts to apologize... I'm a coward.

I went up to my room and fell asleep and then woke up for dinner then went to sleep again, but not before texting Diavolo.


DoppioDesu: Hey um sorry 'bout today, I should've listened to you. Y'know you're a very smart man. ;)

Bossu: Yes yes I am. Is your sister alright?

DoppioDesu: She's fine.

Bossu: That's good, gn Doppio.


DoppioDesu: Gn z


Bossu: How'd you do that?

DoppioDesu: A lot of concentration.

Read: 10:36


Sorry short chapter but I'm gonna try to update again today or at least start the next chapter XD I really need to pee see you later. MY BLADDERS GONNA EXPLODE!!!

Ugh I Hate You JJBA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now