|I Miss You|

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*Alexa's POV*

After a quick wash and I rushed downstairs, my excitement bursting open.

Gifts were my life.

I was just about to enter the living room, but my stepbrothers were talking. I just had to listen.

I was surprised to how they managed to clean themselves up before me.They all had occupied the sofas, and in front of them were my gifts, calling me out, telling me to open them.

"Do you think she will like the gifts?" Will asked.

"Of course she will! Lexi literally only talks about Harry Potter!" Tyler exclaimed.

"I don't even know at this point," Blake said leaning onto the sofa,"Lexi's a weird kid. Like literally, ogni altro bambino vorrebbe makeup o anche dresses."

So they were talking about makeup and dresses?

I felt myself suddenly being swung around in the air.

"You know it's not good to eavesdrop sorellina," Ryder said before placing me down.

I fell onto the floor feeling dizzy before starting to giggle for no reason at all. I heard Ryder chuckle before picking me up and walking into the room.

All eyes were on us, this made me feel like I should have brought some black glasses to look cool.

"She was eavesdropping," Ryder informed them placing me in front of my gifts and sitting himself down.

I stuck my tounge out at him. 

"Snitches get stitches," I said before facing my gifts.

Which one was I to open first. The small long ones, small square shaped ones, or the huge one?

Okay, I just sounded like Dora the explorer. 

Of course I was going to go with the huge one.

I - literally - snatched out the wrapping. Inside was a cardboard box. Using my long sharp nails, I broke the box open. Slowly, I could make out what it was.

My initials were in bronze on the side, ARR. Smooth and shiny wood was to be seen. The box broke open and my eyes shined, automatically I started to squeal.

It was the Harry Potter trunk! I stared at the Hogwarts crest on the trunk before I reached out to open it, my hands trembling in excitement.

Unlatching both belts, I slowly lifted the trunk up. My eyes were widened in shock. Inside was a package that had a small Hogwarts crest stamped on it with wax oil.


I snatched it, carefully though.

At the back of the letter it said To Ms Alexa R, the living room. It then gave the house address. Turning the letter around, I slowly opened it, eager to see what was inside.

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Dear Alexa,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on the first of September. We await your away no long than thirty-first July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress.

I smiled, my heart warmed up. I then moved on to the package.

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