|The Anger|

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*Alexa's POV*

So I was in our library. No one had told me about it otherwise I would have spent most of my time in here.

I was wrapped in my blanket waiting for Elonzo to show up. I would have expected him to be here before me, but I guess that wasn't going to happen.

There was a book sitting on a table next to my couch, so I picked it up, ready to have a flick through it.

The first few pages had aesthetic quotes on the which made me eager to see more as I loved quotes.

As I turned to the fifth page, my eyes widened a bit in horror. Just in the middle of the book was a hole in a shape of a gun, all the other pages we like that too.

It was as if I were in one of those school cheating hacks or 'how to use your phone in glass' hacks, just that this time it was a 'How to hide a gun.'

I was just shocked because my third time having to see a gun this close, it was just really unexpected.

Footsteps were to be heard. I turned around to see Elonzo waking in.

Oh no, oh no, oh no no no.

I quickly looked scared - for the fact that I already was didn't quite make it hard.

Horror flashed in Elonzo's eyes for a millisecond when he saw what I was holding.

"E-Elonzo," I stuttered,"W-Why is t-there  g-gun?"

Elonzo immediately roughly snatched the book that held the gun inside it out of my hands.

"This," He began,"Isn't ours. It belongs to one of Blake's friends who had come over last month. He still hasn't taken it and I'm afraid I'll have to force Blake to drive to his home and return it."

I nodded, fully knowing that Blake wasn't going anywhere. 

Elonzo fixed his coat and seated himself in front of me, staring intently. I forced to look into his never ending cold black eyes, I longed to get the gentle ones back.

"Alexa, Ryder and Tyler told me everything," He paused for a moment to watch my actions,"I want to here it from you."

I didn't want to tell him that I had stayed up all night crying because of a person whom I would never talk to get, that I barely got enough sleep and that I had lost control of myself.

"Alexa, I expect an answer," Elonzo said, his voice hinting a bit of annoyance.

I searched my mind through not finding a simple excuse. The memories and thoughts from last night just came rushing in. 

There was a lump in my throat and my eyes got blurry once again, I shook my head. Instead of getting comfort from Elonzo like Will had, Elonzo slammed his fist on the table in front of us making me flinch and let my tears flow.

"Gosh damn it Alexa!" He yelled in frustration,"Why do you always have to cry at little things! Why can  you just answer my question and obey me!?"

My hands trembled as I fiddled with the edge of my blanket as I listened to the bomb blast in front of me.

"Why do you always have to act like you own the world, and like you don't care about anything, about us?!"

That hit me. I always acted like I don't care, but deep down I knew I did. Always.

The 'Always' just wanted to make me cry harder.

"Just go to you room. You're grounded and I'm taking your phone away!"


Oooohhh teaaa. I tried to make the ending of this chapter realistic, I don't think I did though-


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