|Missing Piece|

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*Alexa's POV*

"Alexa." A soft voice called my name, Lex, Bambina, wake up, it's time for dinner."

 I hummed in response but didn't wake up from my sleep, the soft voice just encouraged me to go into a deeper sleep. There was a deep chuckle before a pair of hands were placed on either side of my shoulders, not long enough before they roughly started to shake me.

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light. When I found out the culprit who had woken me up, I groaned. "Blake go away," I mumbled, pushing his hands away from my shoulders snuggling more into Will.

"I am very tempted to throw a bucket of water on her," Ryder's voice joined in the conversation,"What would be worse, hot or cold water?"

"You will do neither," Will defended,"We'll wake her up the normal way."

Ryder raised his eyebrows but obeyed his elder brother. There was a few minutes, which I was thankful for as it allowed me to catch a dream. 

Blake, however, ruined the moment by throwing me over his shoulder, ignoring Will's protests. I mustered my energy to wriggle out of the discomfort it was giving me. 

I was finally dropped on my seat in the dining room as Tyler looked up from his phone, chuckling. If I was in my right mind, I would have glared at him, but instead I rested my head on the table.

The rest of my step-bothers, surprisingly Elonzo as well, entered the dining room and took their seats as Will served the food. I sat ready to eat as a plate full of lasagna was placed in front of me.

I took a bite, savoring it's awesome taste. What I didn't notice was Blake secretly, constantly, making eye contact with Tyler, talking in their secret language. He finally sighed and put his spoon down, which grabbed everyone's attention.

Blake seemed a bit hesitant, but finally found his words. "So... you know how Lexi has mentioned in her book that she was fitting pieces together for how we are in the mafia?"

I nodded acknowledging it.

"What if... What if it's not supposed to be for the mafia but it was to piece it up so she could get to know us better. Like instead it was for family?"

Even with his poor choice of words and him finding it hard to explain what was in his mind, I think all of us understood what he was trying to say. I had unknowingly brought us together as a family. Instead of the puzzle pieces being for whether they were in the mafia, it was actually so the all of us could be a puzzles that fit perfectly even with our differences.

"How does that got to do with anything though?" Ryder and I asked in unison.

"Well," Blake began clearing his throat,"I was think that Lex shouldn't end her book if the puzzle is for family. I think there's another piece that's missing from the puzzle. And that's you, Lex."

All of the attention went to me as Blake continued to speak.

"You got to know us, now we must know you. You'll have to open up, you can't hide it on forever."

"So you suggest that we should take Alexa to a therapist?" Elonzo demanded to know.

Blake slowly nodded his head,"That was something that I had in my."

I was clueless to how to react, was this a good thing or bad thing that they were doing to me? Wattpad characters had always hated when this happened to them.

All my stepbrothers had a mental conversation between them as I sat there giving myself a second helping of the lasagna.

"Well then it's settled. Alexa will go to see the therapist tomorrow morning," Elonzo declared."You will the Russian mafia - or any mafia infact - as they are not aware you are here. We will, however still have a bit of protection for you."

My life had a Wattpad twist. Who knows maybe next, I would find a crush.


Did this chapter make sense? I tried- though I don't think explained what was exactly being planned in my mind. If people didn't get  it, I might redo this chapter.

I've also been dedicating chapters to my readers, don't worry if you haven't gotten dedicated yet, you definitely will in the other chapters from now or in the se- NOPE I'M NOT SPOILING! - btw I only dedicate the chapter people who have voted/commented cause then it gives me a notification of who's reading this book.

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