09 - Augustus Version

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"I got no sleep because of you last night."

"Oh my! Were you with someone else last night doing something else? Or are you talking about how we talked for an hour?"

"Get your head out of your ass."

"Anything for you."

"Again, hope-Less romantic."

"It doesn't seem hopeless with you."


"Let's play ten questions."

"Isn't it usually twenty?"

"This is 'Augustus' version. Where each player gets to ask ten questions and the players have to pledge their honesty and nothing but it."

"So twenty questions but with ten questions?"

"Yes, Skye. Way to burst the metaphorical bubble."

"Haha! You go first!"

"Okay, are you catfishing me? And are you actually a grandmother of two who sews and plays bingo?"

"Oh yes, and you must be a grandfather who thinks bingo is overrated and you grouch about how you're unable to use technology."

"Spot on."


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