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And there it was...

After the first angry outburst and compulsive cries afterwards, Jane was nowhere to be seen except at work.

Looking back, it's funny how the first month since she lost her baby was so easy -Denial. Maura should've known better. She saw glimpses of what was coming, but unlike her usual self, she put scientific studies aside and kept optimistic. Now, she couldn't stop feeling guilty about her friend's pain. She should have done more to show her support and cheer her up instead of trying to protect herself. Besides Jane, she was the one most excited about a baby...well, maybe except for Angela, but the two came pretty close. More than an aunt, she was ready to be like a second mother.

Maura archived some of the wallpaper samples for the baby's bedroom in her home and wondered what Jane was doing at that moment. The idea of texting her crossed her mind, but it's not like she would get an answer. She missed her insanely, but the more she tried to get her back in her life, the furthest Jane run. She called Frankie instead.

________________________________________________________________________________Less than five minutes was all it took for Frankie to invite her over. Maura had only been there a couple of times but never by herself. It truly was a cosy place. They sat on the sofa drinking beer...even Maura.

M: "I hope I'm not imposing"

F: "I invited you"

M: "Thank you.'s Jane doing?"

F: "I don't know. I was hoping she would at least talk to you"

M: "Only if you count talking over dead bodies about their cause of death"

F: "... what about you?"

M: "What about me?"

F: "Yeah, how're you doing?"

M: "I... it's not my place"

F: "She's your best friend, Maura. It's nothing but normal to feel how you're feeling"

M: "I shouldn't. I'm being selfish"

F: "You aren't"

Frankie held her hands on his and moved closer

M: "Frankie..."

With that, he backed off. Maura felt relieved that he understood and tried to erase the moment from her memory

F: "I'm sorry"

M: "No, it's ok. No need to apologise"

F: "There's something you need to know...Casey is back"

M: "What!?"

F: "Ma saw them together"

M: "What the hell is he doing here?"

F: "I know, trust me. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it a bit"

M: "Well, she's too fragile right now, if she doesn't want us around maybe that's a good thing"

F: "Yeah, I guess. I just hope he won't make her do something she wouldn't otherwise"

________________________________________________________________________________Maura woke up, uncomfortably twitching, from the fabric on her face and lack of space, completely forgetting she never made it home. Last night, Frankie insisted that she should've taken the bed, but she would never take advantage of his kindness. He was indeed a fantastic human specimen. Angela had done a great job raising the siblings. All of them were amazing and exceptional in their way...they might not be the most well-read people, but they surely had the biggest heart. The doctor sat down and started stretching her neck in circles to relieve some build up tension.

F: "Would you like some coffee?"

Maura turned around to see Frankie in his pyjamas sipping his drink. She gave him a big smile.

M: "I would love to"

As she stood up and walked towards him, the front door opened. It was Jane. The detective looked at them in disbelief and slammed the door, immediately focusing on Maura.

J: "What are you going here?"

M: "I-"

J: "Is this why you weren't home this morning?"

M: "You went to my place?"

J: "Okay, what's going on here?"

M: "I don't understand what you're implying"

J: "You're wearing yesterday's clothes, Maura. Did you sleep here?"

M: "Jane, c'mon, it's not what you think"

J: "We've been through this, didn't we decide that nothing would happen?"

M: "It's not what you're thinking"

J: "What is it then?"

M: "I was feeling bored. We watched a movie and then I got too tired to drive"

J: "So, instead of calling a taxi you stayed at my brother's, who you know has a giant crush on you"

M: "Jane, that's absurd. He sees me as a sister"

J: "Are you really that naive? And I AM his sister. You're not"

F: "Jane, that's a bit..."

M: "No, it's ok Frankie"

J: "You're defending her? Really? I'm your sister

F: "Maura was concerned about you!"

M: "Frankie, it's ok. Thank you for the coffee, but we'll leave it for next time. Goodbye Jane"

Without comprehending what was going on and being too anxious to hear them, Maura left fast.

She rushed to her car and got inside, fighting not to cry before doing so. When she did, she crossed her arms on the steering wheel and leaned her forehead against it, crying and trying to control her breath.

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