"It's her"

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Two coffees in the morning, an indulging non-nutritive lunch and the same puzzling case from the week before made a very disappointing Monday. At least Jane didn't seem angry at her anymore. Quite the opposite. Maura noticed it was odd, but she wasn't complaining. No matter how annoying it was to know this change was, probably, caused by Casey, she was glad her best friend felt better. On another note, it made her felt useless being one.

Maura sat at the Dirty Robber drinking wine and eating peanuts, waiting for the others and wishing for Jane to arrive shortly. It had been so long since the two hang out that she couldn't tell for sure if her hair had always looked this beautiful or if it was the time apart intensifying emotions. Either way, Jane looked even more astonishing than usual...she definitely had to start working on blocking these thoughts. Suddenly, Maura got tense and strengthened herself when she heard familiar voices approaching.


J: "C'mon Maura! Chug it!"

M: "We are working tomorrow!"

J: "Fine! I'll drink it"

M: "No!"

As Jane reached for the two shots, the doctor took one from her. Without thinking and in a swift move, she drank it. When Maura opened her eyes, after making a sickening face, she saw the woman smiling at her. Korsak and Frankie couldn't stop laughing.

M: "This is terrible! I don't know how you can possibly like it"

J: "Acquired taste"

Jane drank hers while Maura observed her closely. The way her dark wavy hair fell on her shoulders, her beautiful eyes and lashes, her big smile and lips. With the last image, she began blushing and realized she had been zone out for quite a while. She wanted physical contact; it had been too long...

J: "Maura! Can't you hear what I'm saying?"

Jane laughed next to her, making her giggle in embarrassment.

M: "Sorry! I was thinking about a study I read about today"

J: "Does your brain ever stop?"

The doctor playfully slapped her arm and laughed at her overreacting response. She knew she was also only joking.

J: "It really hurt Maura!"

M: "Do you want me to check it?"

J: "Nooo, I don't want you to check it"

M: "You sure? I can take a quick look"

It made her relieved, seeing Jane carefree and happy. It was a start. Hopefully, everything would go back to being normal in no time.

J: "Casey!"

Maura turned her head and saw Casey, immediately feeling nauseous. When she saw him kissing her friend, that was it. With her head spinning, a trembling lip and trying not to hyperventilate in a very humiliating way in front of everyone, the doctor looked nervously at her phone screen. Pretending to have received a text, she nervously stood up, tidying up her skirt and grabbed her handbag.

M: "Sorry, something came up. Nice to see you Casey"

J: "What? You really have to? We're having so much fun"

Unable to answer without giving herself away, she nodded staring at the floor, avoiding eye contact and walked away fast.


Sitting on the car, Maura turned the radio and started doing breathing exercises. A few seconds later, she stopped, gasped and grasped the steering wheel hard; trying to control herself by looking at the details on her boots—a knock on the window. After taking a deep breath, she took a look. Frankie... she really didn't have the patience for this. Not today. She needed and wanted to be alone. The doctor gestured to the passager seat and opened the door. He sat down and placed his hand on her forearm.

F: "You ok?"

M: "No, Frankie. Do I look ok to you?"

F: "I'm sorry. What's wrong?"

M: "I just...I don't know. Why are you here?"

F: "Because you're my friend. What's bothering you? I know it's Casey"

M: "I hate him"

F: "I don't disagree with you either, but we have to try for Jane"

M: "Not gonna happen"

F: "Maura. I'm really trying hard to get you, but maybe you're overreacting a bit?"

M: "It's...forget"

F: "I know I'm not Jane, but you can talk to me."

M: "I already did"

F: "I'm confused..."

M: "I told you I like someone"

F: "What does that have anything to do with-"

M: "Jane"

F: "Yeah, I know the Jane situation has been hard, but what does that have to-"

M: "It's Jane"

Frankie stared confused at her while she looked away. She didn't mean to tell him, or anyone at all but the frustration took over. Regretting what came out of her mouth and realizing the consequences, she knew there was no turning back. If she tried to, it would be a matter of time until he brought the conversation up. Even if he believed her tonight, it would be impossible for him not to notice her body language around Jane. Maura continued in a whisper.

M: "It's her"

F: "Oh!"

When both remained in silence for what seemed like a lifetime, tears started running down her cheeks while she stared outside the car; her body slightly turned away from him. He was going to hate her now. No more calls, no more hangouts, no more comfort. Everything about to be lost because she could never keep her honest mouth shut for too long. To be honest, she was surprised it didn't' happen sooner.

But then, she felt his hands on her shoulder and forearm, caressing her. Maura looked at him, relieved and surprised, allowing herself into him arms. He hugged her gently, rubbing her back while she cried.

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