The Final

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Steam escaped from the two stoneware mugs as it got filled with hot liquid. The smell was delicious and homely. It reminded winter evenings laying on the couch, watching bad movies or baseball games.

Maura's whole body tensed up as an icy wave rushed up and down her spine, reaching her loins. With the lights so low, she didn't notice her friend getting closer. She was sure that if she made the slightest move, her back would touch Jane. The doctor instantly licked her lips as they felt dry while feeling the hot breath on the back of her neck.

J: "Is it-"

M: "I know what your favourite tea is, Jane."

J: "How do you always remember these things?"

The doctor licked her lips, again, and allowed herself to chuckle.

M: "It's what I do."

The doctor looked at the mugs for a while and slowly turned around, making her friend take a few steps back to give her space. With her back pressed against the counter, she settled her hands on Jane's sides, tenderly pulling her closer. The detective responded by resting a hand on her shoulder and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear with the other, leaving it on Maura's neck.

J: "What do we do now?"

M: "Everything you want to."

J: "I kicked Casey out before I came here."

M: "What does it mean for us?"

J: "It means that I-I will never leave you."

M: "I won't ever leave you either...Ever."

Jane gazed lovingly into her eyes, moving her face closer, rubbing her cheek against hers. A sense of sadness and regret in her tone.

J: "When did I become so lucky?"

M: "You have no idea how astonishing you are...I...I never thought you could like me. I thought you were straight."

J: "I thought I was too. I think...maybe that's why it took me so long. I was so scared about what I was feeling and tried so hard to keep it down, and then when I couldn't fight it anymore, I was terrified of rejection and losing you."

M: "Jane...I was terrified too. I still am. I'm afraid of making the wrong move and ruin everything, but I can't hold back any longer. I love you so much."

Maura placed one hand on her friend's chest and with the other held onto the shirt near her abdomen. Jane teared up a bit and leaned, so their lips brushed against one another.

J: "I love you."

The doctor felt herself becoming lightheaded. Gasping as Jane's warm tongue pressed against her lips, looking for a way in. She answered immediately by intensifying the kiss, needing to taste more of her friend's warm tongue.

J: "You're gonna need a lot of patience with me. I're a woman. This is new territory for me."

M: "That's not a problem, Jane. We will go as slow as you need to."

J: "Well...not that slow."

Both women began chuckling between kisses.

M: "We'll make things up as we go and check how the other is feeling."

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